Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pediatric Love Affair with Mercury Continues

Mark Sircus on 10 January 2011

Vaccine Insanity


There have been numerous reports of miscarriages occurring shortly
after receiving flu vaccines but so great is the pressure to get the
swine flu shot it is being offered for free to any pregnant woman!

The children’s flu vaccine does contain mercury. The children’s flu vaccine does contain mercury. The children’s flu vaccine does contain mercury. Mercury is an exceptionally strong neurological poison. Mercury is an exceptionally strong neurological poison. Mercury is an exceptionally strong neurological poison. These repetitions are directed toward doctors and medical officials who have a hard time with reading comprehension and still insist there is no evidence of harm from vaccines containing thimerosal, which is 50 percent mercury by weight.

Dr. Richard Halvorsen, author of the book, The Truth About Vaccines, said: “Thimerosal is an extremely toxic substance and a known poison to the brain. There is enough convincing evidence linking thimerosal with developmental disorders and learning problems in individual children to warrant its removal from any childhood vaccine.” Of course these same reading-handicapped officials and doctors don’t even listen to other doctors who have a better grasp of the real science and chemistry of mercury.

One should remember that they have been putting mercury into vaccines since the 1930s and it was an American company, Eli Lilly, who developed thimerosal and sponsored its use for many decades even though they knew it was dangerous from the very beginning after everyone in the first medical study died. Mercury can compromise the health of anyone—adult or child—being a heavy metal and potent neurotoxin.


Kids who received 100 micrograms of thimerosal
were over ten times more likely to have autism than
the kids who received no mercury-containing vaccines.
Dr. Mark Geier

Present generations of pediatricians are mercury doctors who cannot stand the light of medical reason or the basic science that clearly shows how dangerous shooting thimerosal into children can be. Pediatricians in many parts of the world inject mercury-containing vaccines into newborn infants and children in the first years of life, a substance that burns their brain,[2] sometimes kills,[3] or causes autism (see below) and other neurological disorders.[4]

Anyone who knows anything about the chemistry of mercury and other heavy metals understands the danger. Medical officials in the United States agreed back in 1999 and by 2003 had removed all but traces of thimerosal from all vaccines administered in America. Incredibly, in 2004 they reintroduced thimerosal into the flu vaccine and started recommending that it be given yearly starting at six months of age to all children.

Full article HERE

1 comment:

  1. Vaccines kill children in more than rare occurrences. We know that vaccines are dangerous and many are literally forced to take them and give them to their children through many subtle and not-so-subtle pressures and manipulations.



The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
