Monday, January 10, 2011

The "God" of the Cabala

January 5, 2011
by Henry Makow Ph.D

The "God" of the Cabala is no god at all, but serves as a barrier
between us and the Creator.

"To the Qabbalists, God is an infinite Sea of Being (En Sof) without any limits; hence without any qualities, without desire or will of any kind. He is totally incomprehensible." Jacob Agus, The Meaning of Jewish History (1963) p. 286

Why should we care about the "God of the Cabala?"

The Cabala is the secret "religion" of the modern world, the occult dementia of the Illuminati bankers and their Freemason lackeys. As you can see, the "God" of the Cabala bears no resemblance to the real God.

God has no qualities? No will or desire? Totally incomprehensible? That's a recipe devised by a Satanist. Anyone with a fleeting acquaintance with God knows the opposite is true.

God is Moral. Where do we get our bearings? From the soul and conscience, the God within! The desire for God is what defines us as human.

God is the only Reality. He consists of spiritual ideals or absolutes which exist in a spiritual dimension independent of us. These ideals are truth, goodness, harmony, justice, peace, love and beauty. When we are in a state of God-consciousness, they are self-evident. We tune into this signal like a radio.

God has no will or desire? His will is that we realize these ideals. God wishes to know Himself through his Creation knowing Him.

We cannot feel good unless we are Good. This is the cosmic drama in which we are all engaged.

Totally incomprehensible? They wish. The essence of any real religion is that we can know God and obey Him. We have to transform ourselves to know Him. God is our compass and the bliss we really seek.


Cabalists are Satanists. They have done a good job of banishing God by pretending He is anthropomorphic. They created a straw man they could easily discredit.

They wish to supplant Him and make us worship their God Lucifer, who represents their rebellion against God and the natural & spiritual order.

Secular humanism, the deification of man, is really the deification of the Cabalist.

They define reality. We live in a Cabalist-created world: wars, sex, money. By monopolizing the media and education, they create a matrix. We are their mental and spiritual hostages.

"We have already contrived to possess of the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." (Protocols of Zion, 12)


You would think that deifying man would have the effect of ennobling him. Paradoxically the opposite is true. By deifying man, we eliminate our connection to God.

By doing this, man is degraded to the level of an animal. His soul and spiritual aspirations are denied. God is what makes us human. Without our connection to God (spiritual ideals), we are animals.

"Modernism" is a fraud, a bankrupt attempt to define reality without reference to the Creator. Modern man has taken the wrong path. That is why he's always pondering his navel, looking for God in the lint.

That's why modern man is obsessed with trivia and naturalism (bodily functions,) thinking anything human is divine and therefore profound. Not true.

Without our connection to God, we are nothing but squealing piglets. That's the way the Illuminati Cabalists see us. We are goyim, their livestock.

God is moral.

Cabalists hate Him and us, because we harbor God within our souls.

Until we face the fact that modern society is infiltrated and controlled by Illuminati satanists (Freemasons) in most key positions, humanity will remain entranced and entombed in their Magick spell.

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
