Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011: Americans take back their country from psychopathic, Orwellian fascists

Carl Herman

LA County Nonpartisan Examiner

2011 in America:

* US unlawful Wars of Aggression: expressly against multiple UN National Security Council Resolutions forbidding US use of military force.

* Rapacious looting of our economy by political pimps and Wall Street criminal frauds.

* US “political leadership” criminally mass-murdering millions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen.

* US “political leadership” attacking Americans in Orwellian violation of their Oaths to defend Americans under the Constitution: Americans are subject to torture (and here), extrajudicial assassination, and unlimited detention.

* US corporate media lies for US Crimes Against Humanity and psychopathic opposite of American ideals. Political, economic, and media “leadership” is a combination of Brave New World and 1984.

I use the terms psychopathic” and “Orwellian” as the most accurate for what is factually and verifiably in front of all of us: US “leadership” with a veneer of socially-acceptable behavior thinly veiling acts of vicious destruction, and propagandistic language stating the opposite of what is being done.

US “political leadership” is by any rational definition a fascist government; nowhere near its constitutional republic promise to Americans and the world. This places Americans in similar position to Americans of 250 years ago: witnesses to the destruction of their rights under law as citizens.

And as history progressed for the founders of our nation, this new year dawns upon new-found public comprehension of the “emperor has no clothes” facts. Americans are using their critical thinking skills and trusting what they see and verify with their own sound minds and hearts. For example, American public support for the invasion of Afghanistan is down to 35%.

Many of us offer the fascist criminals and their minions Truth and Reconciliation (T&R): an exchange of their full testimony and return of public assets for no prosecution. Their alternative is full criminal and civil prosecution for their psychopathically-driven mass-murder. These psychopaths have a “Scrooge conversion” opportunity, if they have the wisdom to take it.

2011 will advance in American dissent: the elegantly simple expression of demanding what we’re already promised under the US Constitution. This is similar to the core of work led by Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King.

2011 will be the year that more Americans than ever embrace their natural self-expression of dissent and speak the powerful, obvious, and crucial facts to end the unlawful US wars and unleash trillions of dollars of creative productivity.

Our voices shape our collective future.

Speak and act with boldness and wisdom.

Embrace President Kennedy’s remarks in the above-left video excerpt.

Embody the Founders of our nation who predicted that We the People would have to rise and defend our freedom from would-be tyrants.

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
