Friday, November 12, 2010

Is the TSA to blame, or is it we who are to be blamed?

WNY Truthers
November 11, 2020

Well for a few weeks now the internet, as well as Mainstream media, have been abuzz with the talk of the TSA and full body scanners. You can clearly see what I mean when you watch the stories on the Major Networks as well as the Cable networks. Not to mention all the alternative media outlets on the internet. With all the hype and hoopla that we see in our media sources, you would think there would be all kinds of our elected officials crying foul; yet they do not.

I mean, this has been a major issue, in my opinion THE, most major issue, we should be tackling on Capitol Hill. Alas, not as of yet. It would seem the intrusion of the legislature they so blindly enacted years ago, have come full circle, in the name of security.

So ask yourself this; is the TSA to blame? Or is it we the people, who were so scammed on 9/11 that we would do anything in the name of security, to blame? After all, we would not want another event in which CIA backed organizations could so completely evade detection till they were allowed to do what they did with box cutters, while communicating to a cell of bogeymen, in a cave in Afghanistan could we?

After September 11th 2001, our world changed in ways that almost none of us could have ever imagined. We were witnessed to the most massive psy op, ever conducted in order to inspire shock, awe, and blind stupidity! We were truly shocked and awed as we witnessed our towers hit by aircraft, and then crumble to the ground a short while later. We were shocked into having to trade the freedoms we were attacked for, for security from individuals who had nothing to do with 9/11!

September 11th was the pretext the individuals of the neoconservative persuasion needed, to implement their utter stranglehold on citizen air travel. It was a farce, 9/11, contrived and constructed to happen in the name of a hidden agenda of world domination by the New American Empire.

See through the propaganda, and then read on.

With the bringing to life of the giant malignant cancer known as Homeland Security, the TSA has basically a free ticket to do whatever it is they deem necessary to your person, in the name of security. It is not really about security though, it is about submission. We are being poked and prodded to find out exactly how much we will submit to the state, in the name of our personal security from fake terror organizations created by the CIA!

You have the option to opt out from body scans, but then you are taken and publicly humiliated with the most personally invasive search an innocent American citizen has ever had to submit to. We are after all, innocent in the eyes of the law, until proven otherwise.

Years ago our gullible and overactive politicians blindly followed the administration of the time in enacting legislature they had not even read, in the name of security. They clambered in total stupidity and frustration after the attacks of September 11th into the hands of a neoconservative agenda of world domination in the name of security. Only today with the total stripping of the citizens privacy, their idiotic haste in passing these draconian laws, has come full circle to haunt them! Yet, it is we the people whom must pay the price for their haste and stupidity of an obviously contrived event called 9/11. How can anything the Administration said of the event be taken seriously in light of the lies told later to justify more war in Iraq? Can you say WMD’s? No, because that was an outright lie!

As the title states, is TSA to blame? Or is it really we the people who have allowed these liars and thieves of liberty to rob us of our very own privacy of person? Yes I think we are to blame, but there is time to recover from the stupidity we once had. See these things, Full Body Scanners, Aggressive Pat Downs for what they are, articles of freedom being submitted before the state.

Refuse to fly. Drive or ride a train. Shut down the air industries for a bit and major things will happen!

You are being searched like a hardened criminal, just because you want to fly!

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
