Friday, December 10, 2010

Jesse Ventura: Corporate media, Censorship and American Conspiracies

From the assassination of JFK to the events of 9/11, more and more Americans are slowly realising things are not what they seem in the mainstream U.S. media. RT spoke to former politician Jesse Ventura, who revealed some of the dirty secrets of Capitol Hill.


  1. PEOPLE, HOW CAN YOU WATCH THIS AN HAVE NO COMMENT??????? Love him or hate him , Jesse Ventura is a maverick who is finally waking up to the real truth.

  2. truTV – Conspiracy Theories
    Starring America’s biggest liar and conspirator
    Jesse “James Janos” Ventura
    ”Always Cheat – The Philosophy of Jesse Ventura”
    by Leslie Davis, Author, Activist - 612/529-5253

    Facts you should know about Jesse Ventura:

    - Ventura lied about being a Navy SEAL on active duty. He joined the SEAL Reserves after active duty. (Page 102).
    - He lied about being in Vietnam and being in combat. He told Dennis Anderson of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that “you haven’t hunted until you’ve hunted man”. The only man Ventura may have hunted would have been in a Minneapolis bookstore.
    - Bribed a candidate in the primary election of Sept. 1998.
    - Fixed the investigation of the 1998 primary election bribe by bribing Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner by giving her boyfriend John Wodele a job in his administration.
    - Told single moms that they were on their own.
    - Told students in a speech at the University of Minnesota to “win if you can, lose if you must, but Always Cheat”.
    - Insulted people who were religious or mentally ill.
    - Killed caged birds at a game farm with Maria Shriver.
    - Endorsed “torture” of people at Highway 55 where
    600-law enforcement (the largest police action in Minnesota history) arrested peaceful protesters trying to prevent demolition of homes for a road. Many protesters were handcuffed behind their backs and had pepper spray put in their eyes (Page 4).
    - Ventura took government money to go to school in Hennepin County and later told students that if they were smart enough to go to college they should be able to figure out how to pay for it.

    Jesse Ventura

  3. Wow, it looks to me like Leslie Davis has been cut-and-pasting this same info on a lot of comment boards, almost anywhere Ventura's name comes up. Seems either passionate or cointelpro (hear that pays pretty well these days). If it is from true passion, I salute you, Mr Davis. But, tearing down Ventura will do nothing to solve our NWO problem.



The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
