Saturday, November 13, 2010


(the following are letters to G. Edward Griffin's site, Unfiltered News regarding chemtrails and the excellent documentary, "What In The World Are They Spraying?" . . .)

2010 Nov 4 from Ken Perdew
Greetings Mr. Griffin!
Thank you so much for a well-done, informative, world-class documentary. We have been quite concerned about criminal emissions of poisonous material into our skies here in South FL, U.S.A. for several years now. As we travel around the state we notice they concentrate the poison aerosols over populated areas. A friend on staff at a local hospital agreed to provide us with info concerning Emergency Room visits for sore throats and respiratory ailments. Sure enough, each time we notice pronounced spraying of poisonous aerosols in the sky within 24 to 48 hours of the crime Emergency Room calls for sore throat and respiratory distress show a marked rise above average.

In my correspondence I often refer to chemtrail spraying as AN ACT OF WAR. What would be the result if a FOREIGN POWER were to send planes over the U.S., Russia, China or India and start heavy spraying of TOXIC CHEMICALS? It would be labeled an ATTACK by CHEMICAL WARFARE. The planes and megatons of poisons are Weapons of Mass Destruction, able to DESTROY human lives, animals, crops and natural flora & fauna over the entire Earth. There is no way governments are unaware of these WAR CRIMES. The attack planes should be forced to land, the poison chemicals confiscated for evidence and everyone involved ARRESTED.

Can it be stopped? It MUST. Any other outcome is unacceptable. Mankind has to be made aware of the extreme DANGER, and every resource available to free citizens must be brought to bear to fight it. We will continue to do all we can in our humble way to overcome megalomaniac MONSTERS who are poisoning our planet.


2010 Nov 3 from Davif Stefansson
Hello there, My name is David Stefnansson and I live in Iceland, I have noticed these chemtrails up here, too. And there was also some stuff in the news recently about Boeing testing some new planes here for some unknown reason, and I think they are spraying with them. What can i do to help?

GEG'S REPLY: The first step is to build a critical mass of indignation and opposition, so become part of the Coalition Against Geo-Engineering (CAGE) and help us cage this beast. signup here.

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
