Monday, September 27, 2010

Sterilizing the Unfit

Catholic Insight

By Dr. John B. Shea, MD FRCP(C)

In his report “Call to sterilize the ‘unfit’” 1 Father John Flynn L. C. stated that David Marsland, a British professor of sociology at Brunel University, London, holds that after five years of treatment drug addicts, alcoholics, and people with psychological problems, should be permanently sterilized to prevent child neglect and abuse. In 1997, Barbara Harris, a birth control activist who, in 1997 founded Project Prevention in the U.S., offered $300 for long-term contraception or sterilization to patients in the U.K. In Australia, a Family Court gave the go-ahead for hysterectomy on a disabled girl. Termination of pregnancy for Down Syndrome has increased three times in the last ten years. William Saletan, on the website Slate, said that 10 to 13% of applicants select in vitro embryos for height, intelligence, and athletic abilities.

These changes are a logical extension of the eugenic mentality. The innate dignity of the embryo is lost. The next step is forced sterilization of the “unfit”.

While assessing the work of Charles Darwin, Francis Dalton, a half cousin of Darwin, wondered if the human genetic makeup could be improved and undesirables be got rid of. To eradicate the unfit offspring, sterilization laws were first passed in 1907, and other eugenic laws limited the right to marry.2

In the 1930’s, Hitler’s Nazis, inspired by Galton adopted positive and negative eugenics with their notion of The Aryan Master Race. In the 1920s Margaret Sanger in New York, who founded Planned Parenthood, said, “The least fit to carry on the race are increasing it most rapidly.” In the United Kingdom, Marie Stopes said that she would “Legislate compulsory sterilization of the insane, feeble minded, revolutionary, and half castes.” In the 1950s, a movement known as ‘Trans-humanism’ supported the use of science and technology to improve mental and physical capacities. It imagines the day when we may greatly expand the population by creating “post humans” by “uploading” our digitized brain content into sophisticated computers, and also “never die!”

Other bizarre variations in human reproduction have been suggested. One is that a new higher species of human being be produced by the fabrication of new nanomolecules in the sperm and ovum that can increase intelligence, and maybe even expand lifespan indefinitely.

On the other hand, some quite recently have gone so far as to state that the human race is toxic to the planet, and that we should no longer tolerate human reproduction at all!

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
