Friday, September 17, 2010

Geo-Engineering: Killing Off The Useless Eaters

(it is my opinion that "they" have already crossed the line . .. disturbed the natural flow of the atmosphere so much that they now have to guide and control the jet stream, warm & cold fronts, etc . . . .just watch for chemtrail patterns in the sky, especially X's, >'s, tic-tac-toe's etc., as well as well-defined ripples in the plasma atmosphere that almost has to be HAARP at work, moving the fronts . .. . when you see this activity you can expect a front to be moving thru your area . . .no science, just what I observe on an ongoing basis . . . )

Carnegie Institution Tests Injecting Atmosphere With Sulfate Aerosols


Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, September 17, 2010

Global warming loons are at it again – despite the science behind man-made climate change being completely discredited by the Climategate fiasco and with increasing numbers of Americans skeptical about AGW, mad scientists at the Carnegie Institution are using taxpayer money to lay the groundwork for injecting the atmosphere with dangerous compounds which are known to cause debilitating health problems and could lead to massive droughts and famines.

Alarmists are once again trying to play God in a bid to solve an imaginary climate crisis based around their own fraudulent belief system, fully aware of the fact that the consequences of their actions will likely kill off millions in the third world, people who they see as nothing more than “useless eaters”.

Based around the madcap method of “injecting aerosols of sulfate into the stratosphere” to produce “a global sunshade,” researchers at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology have been running advanced trials on how to distribute artificially added sulfates to the atmosphere in the name of cooling the planet.

“The Carnegie scientists ran five simulations using a global climate model with different sulfate aerosol concentrations depending on latitude. They then used the results from these simulations in an optimization model to determine what distribution of sulfates would come closest to achieving specified climate goals. They then tested these distributions in the global climate model to assess how well the climate goals were met,” states a press release about the study.

One of the main authors of the study was Ken Caldeira, the man who told a conference of fellow warmists earlier this year that it would be a good idea to make the emission of CO2 an illegal act. Presumably, that would include the very process of breathing since all humans exhale carbon dioxide. That’s right – the man tasked with playing God with the environment thinks breathing should be criminalized.

But it gets worse – Caldeira is an advisor for and is being funded by Bill Gates – the man who thinks that old people should be killed to save teaching jobs, and the man who says that vaccines which his foundation bankrolls to the tune of billions should be used to lower population and bring CO2 emissions down to a level approaching zero.

This gaggle of Dr. Strangelove characters, people like White House science czar and geo-engineering enthusiast John Holdren, the man who advocated forced sterilization, mandatory abortion, and drugging the water supply, are now tinkering with the planet in pursuit of their barbaric eugenicist agenda.

Would you let Ted Bundy take your teenage daughter out on a date? Would you allow Ian Brady and Myra Hindley to baby sit your children? And yet here we have a gang of elitists who have publicly stated their intent to use the threat of global warming and overpopulation as a justification for killing and sterilizing people, and we’re giving them free reign with taxpayer money to play God with planet Earth? What is wrong with this picture?

Injecting the atmosphere with sulfate aerosols is a completely insane, untested and dangerous proposal.

Rutgers University professor Alan Robock has warned that such experiments “could create disasters,” damaging the ozone layer and potentially altering the stratosphere by eliminating weather patterns such as the annual Asian monsoon rain season, which 2 billion people rely upon to water their crops and feed the population.

“Imagine if we triggered a drought and famine while trying to cool the planet,” Robock told a geo-engineering conference last year.

However, when you consider the fact that the global warming mantra is a thin veil for eugenics and population control, it’s unlikely that the world’s elite care about one third of the planet’s population being unable to eat, in fact they would probably see that as a bonus.

Full story HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
