But as
the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For
as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the
ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so
also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:37-39
If you have
ever had doubts about the existence of Biblical Fallen Angels, Nephilim,
and Raphaim, then wait until you see what has been discovered! Included
in this post are detailed photographs, as well as videos, showing you
firsthand what has been unearthed!
Unearthed In Peru-the Evidence Is Overwhelming!
Not far off
of the southern coastal area of Peru, specifically Paracas and
Nazca, evidence has been discovered that many academics have not even
bothered to investigate. It is the overwhelming evidence that
pre-Colombian people had red hair.
Many experts
in the industry claim that the reddish and/or blondish hair color in the
mummies is the result of age, sun bleaching or the use of henna or
other dyes. But this is not so. Instad, it shows that some of these
individuals had hair that is genetically ‘different’ than most of the
Native Americans.

According to Brien Foerester:
Red hair
occurs naturally on approximately 1–2% of the human population. It
occurs more frequently (2–6%) in people of northern or western European
ancestry, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears in
people with two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16 which causes
a mutation in the MC1R protein. It is characterized by high levels of
the reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark
pigment eumelanin.
the royal bloodline of the Paracas culture, who preceded the Nazca had
red hair in most cases. As the Nazca moved into the Paracas territory
about 100 AD, they mated with the latter, and mounting evidence suggests
that they eventually exterminated the royal Paracas. This evidence, for
example, is indicated by the almost complete absence of elongated
skulls/cranial deformation during the Nazca period, and reduced presence
of red hair. The above skull is that of a 2 year old baby which one of
the last generations of Paracas, dying about 1950 years ago. Notice the
strawberry blonde hair. The question is, where would the red/blonde
hair have come from? A probable answer is that the Paracas migrated to
the coast of Peru, possibly via Easter Island, but from an unknown land.
—Brien Foerester

you aware that the red “hats” of the Moai of Easter Island (Rapa nui)
actually represent the ‘red hair’ tied into a top knot? And that many of
these large stone figures were made well before the arrival of
Polynesians, who first arrived in approximately 100 AD, at the

The above photo is a rendition by artist Marcia K. Moore depicting
how the Paracas might have looked. What’s more, archaeologists do not
know the origins of the Paracas peoples. However, the DNA testing is
underway as we speak, and it may hold all the answers.
But, there is another mystery in Peru—the ‘Star Child’ skull.
Lloyd Pye was
an investigator of anomalies regarding human origins. Astonishingly,
his research and theories have rasied questions in the conventional
“Darwinian Evolutionary paradigm.” For nearly twelve years, one
particular item became a major quest in his research, although it was
not his ‘exclusive’ focus, up until his death in 2013—the Starchild
skull. Lloyd Pye agreed that even the name in itself was misleading in
that it seemed to imply that it was ‘extraterrestrial’, which is far
from the truth.

This strange
skull (above) was found in a cave in Mexico in the 1930s. It has many
different attributes—physically, chemically, and genetically. As a
result, there are strong doubts that it is Homo Sapien. As a side note,
the shape is not the result of any known disease, including
hydrocephaly, which is ‘water on the brain.’

they have discovered a similar looking skull in Peru. It has never been
photographed before, and is owned by an individual who wishes to remain
anonymous for now.

As clearly
seen in these photos, the overall shape of the skull is extraordinary
and peculiar, even more so the shape and shallowness of the eye sockets.

Below is an initial impression of what the Peru skull probably looked like when the being was alive. This rendition is by Marcia K. Moore. Please visit her website to see her exceptional artistic abilities and work.

Here are some
more photos by the same artist. Do you notice they appear as what the
world believes are “aliens”? People today have claimed to see creatures
who look just like this in ‘flying saucers’. These are descendants of
the Nephilim..their hybrids…their offspring—Raphaim. And they are
coming soon to deceive humanity—quite possibly, even the elect.

Photos Above Used With Permission by Brien Foerester Via the Work of Marcia K. Moore
Lloyd Pye’s Starchild Skull: Could There Be Another One in Peru?

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