Sunday, May 04, 2014
By every indication, the Black Awakening is about to break forth, and
the bold warning signs coming from the Enemy's camp have grown in
frequency. If I had the ability I would have posted dozens more videos
with clips from commercials, films, TV shows and music videos calling
these to your attention. Here's one of note that spills the beans, big
time, from The CW network's episode of Arrow that was broadcast on April
30, titled, City of Blood.
First, I want to highlight some dates that stand out in connection with
the timing of the Black Awakening and how the flood of Noah's day
projects into ours. By my best reckoning, the flood projects into our
calendar aligning the positioning of the flood (1656-1657 FA) to our
year on the Lord's calendar, with Yom Teruah as the end points. (See Part 8 - To Number Our Days Aright - The Coming "Flood")
This identifies 5/18/14, which is exactly 2 weeks off as I write. As I
have been on watch, this seems to relate to what is known as the Black
Awakening, as popularized by Russ Dizdar. Aaron Hermann believes the
Lord revealed to him, in the midst of a most challenging trial, how the
day of the year the flood began is prophetic and that it relates to our
day. I seem to recall having had a similar insight many years ago, that
the day of the year was prophetic. We'll soon know. The flood began on
the 17th day of the 2nd month. according to Genesis 7:11. We just
entered the 2nd month, as reported by the Karaites, and this is the
appointed year. This month, just like last month, the count of days on
the popular Gregorian calendar matches the count of days of the month on
the Lord's calendar exactly (RARE!), taking the midnight-sunset offset
into account, of course, and the 17th day of the 2nd month will be May
17th. With my best-guess flood projection pointing to the 18th, the very
next day, that's worth noting. Will the Black Awakening be triggered on
the 17th or 18th? Let's watch and learn. Since this is the season of
fulfillment, there's no reason to expect what is forthcoming will seem
like a mere shadow. The reality itself is due that was foreshadowed by
the flood. As the great flood represented a major judgment that marked
the transition from the old order to the new, so will be the Black
Noah received a 7 day advance notice of when the flood would begin.
Perhaps we will too, and if so, and if there is such a precision in the
matter, there may be some comparable notice witnessed around the 10th or
11th. That's one week away. If you have some anxiety about what's
coming, take it to the Lord, our refuge. We've had plenty of warning
about what's coming and if we have rightly prepared our hearts and minds
we will see the Lord's promises manifest, to His glory.
Now, typical of Illuminati ritual productions like the Arrow series, you
have to first be familiar with the plot to recognize what's being
modeled. The Black Awakening is the means by which this present world
order will be turned over into the next, which will then be ready for
the Antichrist beast to appear. While there will be other theaters of
operation, the long recognized superpower America must be diminished and
parceled out, and the resultant reset of the apparent political,
military, economic and religious systems around the globe will be
dramatic. It will be as the fire that reduces the phoenix to ashes
before it is reborn. The agents bring this chaos are SRA multiples and
Chosen Ones who compose the expendable Illuminati slave army that is
appointed for this very purpose. These enhanced and dedicated assets
have already infiltrated every key sector. Their missions have been
programmed and they await the signals that will trigger them. It's all
according to plan.
In the way of our Enemy, he has to spill the beans about the plan in
rituals as he boasts of victories already won and those he sees as
within his grasp. You have to be able to recognize and interpret the
symbols and discern how they are woven together because there is always
twisting and flipping in their obfuscation. On to the show!
You can watch a clip of the scene with some revealing dialog here,
Arrow - "City of Blood".
It's episode 21 of season 2. A series of posts could be written about
this but there's no time for more than giving this a fairly light and
focused effort.
Here's the important dialogue.
Mayor Sebastian Blood: “You came to my office and you shook my hand. You said that together we can save this city.”
Oliver Queen (aka The Arrow): “You think there will be a city to be saved after you unleash Slade's Mirakuru army?”
Sebastian: “They'll only cause enough damage to make the city ready.”
Oliver: “Ready for your leadership?”
Sebastian: “For my vision of what this city could be, a better city. And after the storm they're about to suffer the people of Starling will support and follow me to that city.”
Oliver: “Whatever Slade promised you he will not deliver. He wants to hurt me. You are a pawn in a much larger game.”
Sebastian: “Slade promised me City Hall and he delivered it. He makes good on his promises. I understand he made you a promise too. ... It's a new day in Starling City, Oliver. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.”
Oliver Queen (aka The Arrow): “You think there will be a city to be saved after you unleash Slade's Mirakuru army?”
Sebastian: “They'll only cause enough damage to make the city ready.”
Oliver: “Ready for your leadership?”
Sebastian: “For my vision of what this city could be, a better city. And after the storm they're about to suffer the people of Starling will support and follow me to that city.”
Oliver: “Whatever Slade promised you he will not deliver. He wants to hurt me. You are a pawn in a much larger game.”
Sebastian: “Slade promised me City Hall and he delivered it. He makes good on his promises. I understand he made you a promise too. ... It's a new day in Starling City, Oliver. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.”

It doesn't get much more plain. There is nothing that can be done to stop the Black Awakening. The storm will be brought when the special forces are unleashed. “They'll only cause enough damage to make the city ready.” Then, the population will follow the leader that arises. The shadow authority behind puppet leaders is playing them like chess pieces, who will be rewarded only until they have served their purposes. The theme of the episode is this: "The essence of heroism is to die so that other people can live." It's about willing sacrifice.
Last April, I wrote about the show and how The Arrow was Apollo, the archer. He was also playing as a supersoldier with Beta and Delta alter signaling and the familiar ritual sodomy and trauma-based mind-control signs in attendance. (See Decoding the Olive Exposes the Illuminati UN, the US Great Seal, Etc.)
Slade's Mirakuru army is a slave army of supersoldiers. “Mirakuru ( lit. as Miracle) is a Japanese super soldier serum that causes enhanced physical strength, speed, endurance, durability, agility, stamina, and reflexes once injected.” (Mirakuru - Arrow Wikia) It's a Miracle Army because the Delta force programed for the Black Awakening are also psi powered warriors with supernatural or spiritual strength and ability. The masks they wear are telling.

The 3 vents on each side signal Code 33. Masks represent a multiple's front alter. The dark-half and light-half design illustrates their dual nature - spirit+flesh - and, combined, the design illustrates the knowledge of good and evil they acquired when they were injected with Mirakuru, with Miracle, which is a metaphor for the demonic installation received by ritual sodomy.
Just like how Oliver Queen's name is rich with meaning, so is Sebastian Blood's. “Saint Sebastian was a 3rd-century Roman soldier martyred by arrows after it was discovered he was a Christian. Due to the saint's popularity, the name came into general use in medieval Europe, especially in Spain and France. It was also borne by a 16th-century king of Portugal who died in a crusade against Morocco.” (SEBASTIAN) The crusades were the battles where so-called Christians were fighting Muslims over the holy land. Both the Roman soldier and the king of Portugal were Christians who spilled their blood. Sebastian Blood. Think about it. Whose blood is going to be spilled? The anti-bride army's, sure, but also the blood of the saints. The true Bride is targeted as the real threat. The devil is not stupid, although he has been blinded. The Bride will be refined and become the primary target again when the chosen ones who are appointed to survive the Black Awakening will guard the Antichrist at his revealing.
Queen and Blood had the conversation in a setting that was filled with bird cages, which the VC often presents with memorable imagery as the caged core persona of a Monarch slave. The slaves are literally imprisoned in cages while they are being traumatized by their handlers and the bird cages are triggering images.

The brief scene in the train station has Illuminati stamped all over it. The clock is a circle in a square, with lights reflecting in it and appearing under it - classic ritual sodomy illumination signaling. The style of the lights is that of a squared circle of the circle X mark of the Beast symbol kind. Since the alchemical circle in a square also pictures the space-time domain where the operating magician appears external to it, this boxed circle that tells the time has something to say about more than just the sodomite gateway. It signals the dimensional breech, the opening of a portal. This bears witness to an unleashing of demons into our realm as through an opened stargate. This is why its at the scene of a train station, because angelic beings transiting a stargate travel like the cars that move single file and nose to tail along a train track. See here, among other posts: Part 37 - Celestial Stargates - "We Can't Stop" Horus Transiting the Silver Gate.
They do not push each other; each man proceeds on his own path. They dodge the arrows, never stopping. ~ Joel 2:8 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
“They dodge the arrows, never stopping.” How appropriate for The Arrow's enemies on the show. Note, “on his own path” is in Hebrew, mecilah, the kingdom viaduct and stargate.
The show is based on Green Arrow, a DC Comics character. That company is now a subsidiary of DC Entertainment. That entity's title is code for Horus worship. “DC E” ~ 43 5 ~ Isis+Osiris=Horus. You may note this same sequence is the number of voting members of the H.O.R.U.S. that is the House of Representatives, United States.
Very soon the bean spilling agencies will be done issuing warnings. Two episodes of Arrow remain. "Streets of Fire" - May 7, and “Unthinkable” - May 14.
Sniff, sniff. I smell a set-up.
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