Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Albuquerque, NM, 32nd largest US city, ends water fluoridation

Tuesday, May 01, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) A major health victory has been achieved in New Mexico where officials in the state's largest city, Albuquerque, have made the historic decision to stop artificially fluoridating the municipal water supply. This means that more than half a million local residents will no longer be forcibly medicated with a toxic byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing industry, and the city itself will save hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars a year in the process.

KOB News 4 in Albuquerque reports that, after much deliberation, officials from the Albuquerque Water Authority decided that it is no longer necessary to fluoridate the city's water supply. Since some naturally-occurring fluoride is already present in the Albuquerque water supply, the city will instead "err on the side of caution," to quote the words of the Water Authority's David Morris.

And why, exactly, is the city employing "caution" in the matter? First, the fluoride that continues to be added to many water supplies across America is not actually fluoride at all. It is either sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, or fluorosilicic acid, all of which are highly-toxic, industrial waste byproducts with no scientifically demonstrable health benefits.

In fact, these poser fluoride compounds have been shown in many recent studies to cause severe health problems, including tooth decay. Synthetic fluorides are also responsible for causing developmental problems in children, brain damage, lowered IQ, thyroid disorders, bone damage, hormone disruption and cancer (http://www.fluoridealert.org/fluoride-dangers/health/index.aspx).

According to Shane Ellison, M. Sc., also known as The People's Chemist, fluoride directly attacks the structural integrity of the body, including collagen, a vital protein in the body that composes connective tissues like tendons, bones, cartilage, blood vessels, and even gut lining. Fluoride has also been shown to be mutagenic, which means it damages DNA and can lead to the development of cancer.

Full story HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
