Monday, April 2, 2012

Vaccines And Autism: The Secret That You Are Not Supposed To Know

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of children in the United States with autism has risen by 78 percent over the past decade.  It is now estimated that 1 out of every 88 children in the United States has some form of autism disorder.  Our schools are absolutely packed with "special needs" children and millions of parents are desperately trying to figure out why so many kids are having such severe developmental problems.  Strangely, most autistic children start out perfectly normal.  Most of them develop just fine for the first year or two and then something dramatic happens.  So what could that possibly be?  Well, there is a secret that you are not supposed to know.  That secret is that vaccines are one of the primary causes of autism.  As the number of vaccines being administered to our children has risen, so has the percentage of our children with autism.  Today, in some areas of the United States more than 30 vaccines are being given to young children before the age of 3.  When you inject so much mercury and so much other toxic material directly into the bloodstreams of vulnerable young children, bad stuff is bound to happen.  The evidence linking vaccines and autism continues to mount, and yet the pharmaceutical establishment continues to vigorously deny that there could possibly be any link between the two.

Each year, there are thousands upon thousands of parents that take their perfectly healthy toddlers into the doctor to get a vaccine and later end up deeply regretting it.  Shortly after taking one too many vaccines, many children get sick, stop talking and never recover.  The parents of those children are left absolutely devastated.

If you start surfing around the Internet you can find enough testimonies like this to keep you reading for days on end.

But for the pharmaceutical establishment, a link between must never be admitted between vaccines and autism.  Hundreds of billions of dollars of profits are at stake, and the legal implications of admitting that vaccines cause autism would be absolutely mind blowing.

The big pharmaceutical companies will never, ever, ever, ever admit a link.  And since those companies also spend billions of dollars advertising on the mainstream media, the mainstream media will never admit a link either.

It is all about the money.

So they have to act incredibly puzzled about what is causing cases of autism to dramatically surge in the United States.

And "dramatically surge" is actually an understatement.

It is getting really hard to deny that the epidemic of autism in America is absolutely exploding.  The following is from a recent CNN article....
In 2000 and 2002, the autism estimate was about 1 in 150 children. Two years later 1 in 125 8-year-olds had autism. In 2006, the number was 1 in 110, and the newest data -- from 2008 -- suggests 1 in 88 children have autism.
So what is causing this?

The mainstream media is floating all kinds of bizarre theories.

But an increasing number of U.S. parents are coming to one conclusion.  Despite overwhelming propaganda in the mainstream media that vaccines do not cause autism, one poll found that one out of every four parents now believe that vaccines cause autism.

So why are so many parents not listening to the "experts"?

Well, it is because of what they have seen in real life.  The following is from a recent Huffington Post article....
It's a fact that many children with ASD regressed following normal development just as they were receiving multiple vaccines at regular doctor visits. Health officials say the timing is entirely coincidental.
Regression usually occurs between 12 and 24 months, though one study found that some children show signs of autism as early as six months, but never before that age.
By six months of age, most U.S. children have received about 18 inoculations containing 24 vaccines against nine diseases. Over the next two years or so, they will receive another nine shots containing 14 vaccines against 12 diseases.
So whether a child regresses at six months, or 18 months, the tragedy happens during a period of intensive vaccination. In many cases, parents report that the child had an abnormal reaction after being vaccinated (seizures, spiking-fevers, diarrhea, lethargy, high-pitched screaming and/or other symptoms).
If your kid stopped talking within days (or even hours) after receiving a vaccine, how would you feel?

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
