Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dr. Hildy: "Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men"

by The Living Light Network

Guest: Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Author of Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell digs deep … deep into millenniums past and controversial ancient texts and deep into the planetary system. He’s a scholar for sure, a forensic one at that — one who writes three books at a time, all done in a pre-arranged sequence.

His audience is made up of astute, probing individuals; they are ones who don’t believe the stuff they are spoon fed on the news – “Mostly people that kind of realize there may be more to human history than the standard disciples history and biology will allow,” says Farrell who received a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Oxford.

“The substantial majority of the population is in the dark,” he says. “They are doing all sorts of things in the United Kingdom. They are putting human blood into pigs and mice.” Farrell’s digging into the past has revealed the chimera, any number of hybrid mythical monsters comprised of body parts from several animals, often with the tail ending in a snake’s head.

As a kid growing up, and into his college years, Farrell wanted to be, first a physicist, then a philosopher and finally, a theologian. These days, he wanders into some dark stuff. He talks of the cosmic war (interplanetary warfare) and the elite with their hidden agenda.

“It (the Cosmic war) had a special place 3.2 million years ago. It has become ongoing underground guerilla warfare. It’s going on right now. Most find it far-out, a conspiracy — science fiction. It is fraught with all sorts of danger. In the United Kingdom, they are genetically tinkering with the human genome. It suggests a hidden process – a hybrid species to begin with.”

All of this brings to mind the H. G. Wells 1896 classic “The Island of Dr. Moreau” and the 1996 movie remake with Marlon Brando playing Moreau, who sadistically tinkered with DNA, creating hybrid creatures by mating man and animal. It’s right up the alley in Farrell’s sometimes grotesque neighborhood.

It’s tough to wrap your brain around the strange stuff he uncovers. How much is real and how much is conjecture? Farrell estimates that 20% is real and 80% is conjecture. “I present my speculations and argument and try to leave it up to the reader,” he says.

Giza Death Star (The Website of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell):

One Cell One Light Radio:

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
