Saturday, May 28, 2011

Chronicle Project Mystery Solved

(more mind-bending info for you to consider . . . most of what John writes is probably not what most traditional Christians take to very easily, I'm sure, but things are getting very crazy in the seen world, and even crazier in the unseen, just under the thin veneer of reality . . .)

They Are Correct, Here is Why
It’s All About the Spirit (Gen. 2:7)

A team of excellent Hebrew researchers, known as “The Chronicle Project”, have unravelled perhaps one of the closest representations of the early chapters of Genesis that exists today. As someone who has studied the alternative meanings of Genesis for a very long time, I was excited to watch this team work over the last year.

While there are those who will attempt to twist this information into something it’s NOT, I will do my best to expand your mind to understand precisely what it IS. For Tribulation-Now, and many of our “thought-leaders”, this is not only fabulous information, but it is scriptural verification of number of advanced Biblical concepts that I (we’ve) been espousing for a long time; however so “gently“.

Glory to Yahushua Jesus Christ, the King of Kings!

It’s All About the Spirit

The “heavens” are full of intergalactic life forms. Indeed “out there” it’s quite a bit like “Star Wars”. Until you understand the REASON why the forces of darkness have been hiding the UFO phenomenon from us, you will never understand the whole story.

The forces of darkess have been hiding the UFO information from us because they are trying to make certain that the 2 Thess. 2 “falling away” is as effective as possible.

In my years of research, the most difficult and alarming paths I’ve walked down, are those related with UFO and alien / alien abduction research. Naturally, at first, I was dismissive as most “so-called” christians and Bible “theologians” tend to be. Everyone has a “limit” to what they are willing to accept as possible. This paradigm plays perfectly in the the hands of “the evil one”.

What if you were researching this information from a vast number of sources over many years and you discovered this “amazing” tidbit of truth that correlated perfectly back to the Bible. What if this tiny bit of truth was the KEY to EVERYTHING?

In this article I will present to you some arguements you must research on your own. In some cases I will share with you excerpts of data from other non-Bible believing researchers that should BLOW your mind. There is ONE differentiating element associated with the “human race” on earth. This “secret ingredient” to our existence is precisely what they are after. It is why THEY want to CONTROL us. It is the reason for the New World Order. It is precisely why they will kill BILLIONS of us.

And NOT all of them are evil. Only some of them. Much of this information is touched upon in the scripture. But you have to understand that the Bible was written as an expose on how to find SALVATION. And the Bible was pillaged and intentionally corrupted by the “forces of evil”.

Some of the details were left out by God (YHWH) as they would not have been understood by readers over the thousands of years of time it existed. And quite frankly, the “ages” before the “restoration” of the earth, were immaterial to the mission of the Bible. There are “hints” about these “ages” in many of the writings removed from the Bible by the pagan filth that wants us dead. However there still remain mysterious hints to demonstrate that these “past ages” have indeed existed.

And A LOT happened back then. And it’s all coming back to “destroy us” now.

The “spirit” (living soul) breathed into “man” in Genesis 2:7 is the KEY to all of this. This “spirit” is still breathed into each of us “at birth” (conception).

Spirit, Soul, and Body

Soul Scalping

The alien abduction testimonies abound with endless data about “soul scalping”. I recommend you research this concept. It is a Biblical concept I have discussed to some degree complete with scriptural references in the articles “Aliens, Demons, Nephilim, Time Travel, and God” and “The Alien Demon Agenda“.

Let’s take a quick look at some hints in the Bible about how these “demonic” evil alien entities have been up to the “soul scalping” mission for a very very long time.

Ezek 13:18-19
‘Thus says the Lord God: “Woe to the women who sew magic charms on their sleeves and make veils for the heads of people of every height to hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of My people, and keep yourselves alive?

You will have to read the articles I wrote above to get all the gruesome details of this practice associated with “soul scalping”. The cults of Dionysus worshippers back during the apostle’s time on earth, used to run through the forest in a satanic blood thirsty frenzy killing everything in sight. People in their path would be torn to pieces. They drank their blood and even worse. Part of this practice was to capture the “souls” of their victims in demonic “bracelets”.

These disgusting “star god” filthy entities, that were “judged by God (YHWH)” and “cast out of Heaven” (cut off from the “heavenly office”) have been slaughtering us through “blood sacrifice” ceremony and baby killing for thousands of years. It’s the reason why the “star god” infected freaks in the Land of Canaan were to be “wiped out” by the Hebrews. This was by decree of God (YHWH). These were NOT normal people. They were “beyond hope”. The infection was too deep.

And many of them survived. Many of them are still among us today.

Spirit Scalping Not Possible

The important thing you MUST understand is that “they” have not been able to capture our “spirit”. If you spend hundreds of hours studying “alien abduction” testimony and reading many of the books, you will see this “jaw dropping” phenomenon unfold. And trust me you can’t “connect the dots” by reading just a few books or watching some “You Tube” videos. You have to be a very sincere researcher and take lots of notes to the detriment of your marriage like I did. Otherwise GOOD LUCK.

The Genesis 2:7 “spirit” (living soul) breathed into Adam is like “The God Particle” to these alien fallen-angel entities. They need it desparately. It is an energy force that gives them back their “god like” powers.

Research the term “adrenolchrome” and “star fire“. These are forms of human blood that have “adrenaline” and other spiritual energy forces in them, brought on by “sex magick” and “horror“. When “they” drink it, it gives them a temporary “life force” boost that allows them to “speak” to their fellow demons on other dimensions.

The Genesis 2:7 event is KEY. This is why WE are referred to as “Sons of God” all throughout ”particularly” the New Testament. The term “Sons of God” is a very special position in the “Heavenly Office of God”. YHWH-God is the TRUE Architect of the Universe“. The only true Creator!


Why Do They Hate Us?

We are not some “cosmic family” belonging to some nebulous Universal Creator and intergalactic ”friends of the cosmos” like the New Age Pleiadian folks want you to believe. WE ARE SPECIAL. This is why they want us “dead”.

Let’s take a peak at this mystery of WHY they want us DEAD.

1 Cor 6:2-4
Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?

This scripture is NOT referring to “all angels” folks. Why in the WORLD would WE judge “Holy Angels”? If good angels are “holy”, then there is absolutely no reason to judge them. The fact is that this verse is referring to the FALLEN ANGELS.

That’s WHAT these “aliens” are. The “aliens” that want to kill us are “fallen angels”. They are no different than the “Sons of God” (celestials, “from the heavens they came“) that gave up “their first estate” and had sex with the “daughters of man” and bore children unto them. The NEPHILIM. (ref. Genesis 6:4)

In fact the resulting DNA polution and infection (demon-human hybrids) spread into the:

  • Jebusites
  • Amorites
  • Girgasites
  • Hivites
  • Arkites
  • Sinites
  • Avadites
  • Zemarites
  • Hamathites

Read the Bible. It’s all in there. We have been under attack for thousands of years. And we are under attack RIGHT NOW. And part of that attack is DECEPTION.

The Pleidians and Federation of Light folks are unwittingly tricked into the deception. The Pleiadians ultimately report to the Reptilians / Draconians. There is a huge army of these creatures all across the galaxy heading this way. Many of them are here now.

Why did God put this in the Bible?

Job 38:31
“Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
Or loose the belt of Orion?

What happens when GOD loosens the belt of Orion? What happens when GOD unbinds the cluster of the Pleiades?

2 Thess 2:6-7
And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He (the Holy Spirit and) who now restrains will do so until He (those who take commands from the Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way

2 Thess 2:9-12
The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie (that the “star gods” are our creators), 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

This information is woven ALL over the Bible. But you MUST have your foundations correct. You have to know what you are looking for.

THEN it makes sense.

History of the Universes

One of the most famous sayings in cinematic history is “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”. And that’s just how I feal about other “so-called” christians telling me I am “of the devil”. They can “kiss my grits”. That being said, let’s move on.

Full article HERE

1 comment:

  1. Baptist has done/does much researching and writing, and seems to be "right on" but then there’s something else added - that 'element' repeals my belief, for some reason. Interesting stuff though, to me.

    Spiritual DND is a fascinating topic, and I'd figure that it would manifest in spiritual fruit - either the Holy Spirit fruit or unrighteous fruit.

    This fruit writing seems like a hybrid of some sort! There’s an ingredient added that varies from Foundationaism - The Gospel of Paul and his teachings of what Age we are truly in (Grace) and how it differs from the first 4 NT books ("Kingdom Age" put on hold because Israel 'received him not' and what all happened at / on the Cross, his death, resurrection and being on earth before going up in the clouds to our Heavenly Father!).

    If you read a comment left by Farhat Zubair on his blog article, you'll see more what I mean. When you click to see Farhat's profile, there isn't one. Either he signed out totally or who knows? But the other comment by Julie (profile) info doesn't pull up either (another comment) - maybe it's all just blocked for protection.

    I've commented before about his "far reaching" and explaining spiritual things in earthly conceptions and his meanings. His Utube show is interesting about the DNA - he refers to 'men seeking death and not finding it'. Instead of being “incapacitated", maybe it's more the 'tree of life' bio/engineered implantation. A chip of everlasting life? Or not being able to die and leave the body that's in pain/agony.

    This would help explain why world leaders are so cocky and act like they'll live forever (maybe promised a cloned body to preserve their identity and soul - which only God knows how it's made!).

    Now. how's "that" for being out there!

    Also - he compares the verse of "the temple being destroyed and raised up again (in 3 days)" not as Jesus' death, burial and resurrection but as demonic spiritual DNA (body/soul) destruction. It's like he's trying to make broccoli soap but adding too many carrots!

    Maybe I need to drink some wine first, then I'd get it! (His blog photo)
    *Disclaimer of any "pro or against" wine intake!

    Just that this gets to be too much foot for a shoe or not enough!



The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
