Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Alan Watt - Cutting Thru The Matrix 10-05-2009

New Tower of Babel Rules the Rabble:
"Voting on Treaties and Alliance
Counts on Propaganda Forming Compliance,
People Risk Losing Everything Dear,
In Return for Security, Hyped Up by Fear,
Massive Psy-Ops Campaign, All Kinds of Knavery,
Frightened People Voting, Towards Their Own Slavery,
Europe's Now Ruled by Secret Committee,
Tyranny Power, its Plans are Not Pretty,
On Course, On Track, There's No Time-Lag,
Masters of Europe have it All in the Bag"

***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 5, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

"So as Ireland votes 'yes' to Lisbon treaty, our 1000 years of history ends like this" ( - Oct. 5, 2009.

"EU embryonic Home Office set up in secret talks under Lisbon Treaty" by Bruno Waterfield ( - Oct. 4, 2009.

"Tony Blair criticised for asking to keep 24-hour armed guard" by Lawrence Conway ( - Oct. 5, 2009.

"NSA Had Access Built into Microsoft Windows" by Duncan Campbell ( - March 27, 2008.

"First doses of H1N1 flu vaccine arrive" ( - Oct. 5, 2009.

"Washington OKs mercury in swine flu vaccine" by Herb Weisbaum ( - Sept. 24, 2009.

"Surveillance Will Expand To Midtown [New York City], Mayor Says" by Kareem Fahim ( - Oct. 4, 2009.

"China weather "magic" conjures blue sky for parade" ( - Oct. 1, 2009.

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
