Saturday, May 2, 2009


By Greg Evensen

May 2, 2009

Upon countless hours of reflection, I remain convinced that the only hope for a rediscovered, reinvented and revived nation, lies within the hearts and souls of her people. I mean clearly, people who understand her past, have worked to sustain her as a republic, and are prepared to do WHATEVER IS NECESSARY to rescue her from an evil so vile as to defy description. We have entered the city limits of hell on earth. Only a rescue on the level of angel warriors can escort us out of the mess we have created and allowed to occur. Assuming that the Heavenly Legions would prefer to see at least a modicum of effort on our part, I still see a catastrophic struggle on the near horizon that will call for every last ounce of our collective courage to see it through to ultimate victory.

God calls each of us to a path chosen and designed by Him because He knows our strengths and our flaws. He is the one who stands by us in the dark and calms us just before battle. I assure you I know this to be true. I have lived it out many times. He has never failed me. Like any seasoned warrior, I am prepared to do what I can for as long as God asks me to fight. I will also tell you that any victorious combatant will readily admit that it was his comrades in arms that made the ultimate difference and who stand with him in the gap that allowed survival and success. Strength in numbers and superior firepower are key elements in any battle. That is not a mere cliché. IT IS THE GO-AHEAD MARGIN!
And so I begin this next phase of trial and effort for my beloved Republic. I hold her in my arms and whisper sweet assurances that I will not forsake her nor leave her without doing all that is possible to bring her back to peace and tranquility, safe from those who would violate and wound her further. I retreat for the time being into her gentle steams and forests, mountains and plains, farms and ranches… help those who need it the most and can do the least--the weary, the lost, and the defeated. I will assist as you now gather in small groups to discuss, prepare, train, and plan for winning the struggle that is set before you. It is the ultimate test wherein a nation and her people win freedom and life, or drown in a sea of slavery and defeat. For me, there is absolutely NO choice. I will do all that my experience, age, and tactical abilities allow me to do. I choose to join you on the field of struggle. In my heart, I pray to live long enough to see my children thrive and my grandchildren grow in peace---if that be possible. If not, then let me struggle for them, if someone must again see the horror that pits good men against evil ones. Oh, God, may they not have to see that. The willing, the righteous, and the triumphant must survive…there is no second place. Let me confront the bastards that eat men’s lives for wealth and greed; I long to place a dagger in their putrid hearts.
To Paul Walter, Devvy Kidd, Alan Stang, Frosty, Coach Dave, Chuck Baldwin, Andrew Wallace, Sheriff Jim, and others at, who have distinguished themselves in full view of America, indeed the world. Friends I count on in this battle of words and people who possess courage unmatched in my view. They are standing “on the green” for you folks; they have sacrificed more than you can know with no reward, for the good of our nation. God bless each one, richly.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Republic, “Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country……” The rest is up to you. For the love of God and country, do not fail. Stand rock steady. Do not quit. Do not fear. God is with you, if you claim Him and surrender to His love. In the end THAT is truly, ALL that matters.

I am going into the field to teach men and women how to live and survive. I will be available at

Stay the course, your children and their children have nowhere-else-to-go. Believing we can and will get this job done; thank you for being there. Thanks for defending America, her patriots, and all of our FREEDOM.

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
