Monday, May 11, 2009


Look Up Fellowship
Posted by JRed
From Aliens/UFOs Do Exist - They're Demonic! post:

The veil continues to be lifted! This is stunning (at least I found it to be), and I'll be curious to see what many of you think about all of this. Simply put, I believe we may have found more evidence that the dark forces of this world want to transform our minds as they attempt to continue to condition us to the coming reality they're going to try and impose on all of us.

I want to provide you all with a perfect example of what I mean when I say I believe there's much more going on "behind-the-scenes" of EVERY FACET OF OUR EXISTENCE than we could ever imagine - - even as Christians believing what we believe about fate, destiny, and prophecy.

Specifically, we need to realize that our common enemy - - Satan - - is actively trying to condition us to accept his coming, and that those loyal to him (the elites in the halls of power and in great positions of wealth and influence) do what they can to worship, honor, and hasten his appearance in this world. If nothing else, they want to do everything they can to make his rise to power, and the world's acceptance of him, a smooth transition.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to regular Look Up Fellowship reader King Wells for alerting me to this next piece of the "Full Disclosure" puzzle.

It's no secret that I've tried to write extensively about the collusion between Hollywood and the "powers-that-be" when it comes their efforts to perform to mass conditioning (a.k.a. psy-ops) regarding a particular cause or subject. It is a documented fact that the U.S. government has worked hand-in-hand with Hollywood, but mainly it's been the CIA and the Department of Defense that has turned up on various Hollywood sets throughout the years.

Typically, you'll find their presence and signature in all the major blockbuster films. You know, the ones with the biggest budgets, the best state-of-the-art special effects, the best and the brightest Actors, Actresses, and Directors. Why is this? Because they know that these are the people and the movies that will attract the most attention. In other words, they know that these are the films that give them the best chance to promote their agenda because these are the ones that will have the most captive eyes and ears, hearts and minds. It's brilliant if propagandizing was your ultimate goal.

I have a distinct feeling that we're currently involved in a serious psy-op here based on all the spiritual indicators as well as the aggressive push for the "U.S. to come clean about what they know" by the end of May.

Let's start there. For whatever reason, this flurry of "fighting-to-save-humanity-and-planet-Earth" themed movies began at the start of the 2009 ("The Day The Earth Stood Still, "Race To Witch Mountain," and "Knowing" to name a few), but it seems to have it's peak in May and June with instant blockbusters "Battle For Terra," "Star Trek," "Terminator 4: Salvation," and "Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen," which all have curious names in the spiritual realm with which we're using to analyze them, no?

That's precisely why this newest discovery knocked me off my seat the other day. Did you know that Peter Jackson (yes, the same Peter Jackson of "Lord Of The Rings" fame) has a new film scheduled for release this Summer in mid-August? Me neither! At least not until just a few days ago. To clarify, it will be directed by Neil Blomkamp and produced by Peter Jackson. Even so, Jackson's association with this still makes my commentary appropriate as you'll soon see.

I don't know about you, but having having studied Hollywood and pop culture in general for years, and with a critical eye since becoming a Christian eschatologist in my spare time, I found this to be quite odd. Normally, news and trailers for a film coming out in just a few months from now (especially one from such a high-profile and notable filmmaker like Jackson) is something you'd first see a long, long time ago in an effort to generate buzz. I mean, the mere fact that it's just hitting the mainstream now, so "late in the game" so to speak, is quite curious to me, and it defies the logic and precedence of Hollywood's advertising and marketing efforts - - historically speaking.

So, what gives? Why has this particular film raised my eyebrows higher than any of the others we've looked at which echo and promote a similar scenario? Take a look at the trailer yourself and monitor you initial reaction and gut feeling without me influencing it:

Chilling, isn't it? This film seems to take the entire "Aliens/UFOs-pose-a-real-threat-to-mankind" to a whole new level. Much more so than the other movies we looked at. My initial thought is that this might very well be the "final play of the game" regarding this entire "Alien Agenda" that Tom Horn and Steve Quayle have so frequently discussed and reported.

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
