Global Research, November 17, 2015

Article 4 calls for members to “consult together whenever, in the
opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political
independence, or security of any” is threatened.
5 considers an armed attack (real or otherwise) against one or more
members, an attack against all. Collective self-defense is called for –
perhaps in the wake of the Paris incident all-out war on humanity,
risking global escalation if confrontation is provoked with Russia or
Unleashing US-led NATO’s killing machine could become the war to end all wars, risking world peace and humanity’s survival.
presidential aspirant Marco Rubio called for “invok(ing) (NATO’s)
Article 5,” requiring all 28 Alliance nations to defend a member under
(alleged) attack.
ABC’s Sunday morning program, Rubio lied, calling what happened in
Paris “an act of war and an attack on one of our NATO allies, and we
should invoke Article 5 of the NATO agreement, and bring everyone
together to put together a coalition to confront this challenge.”
rant followed French President Francois Hollande calling the incident
“an act of war,” automatically blaming ISIS despite no evidence proving
presidential aspirant Jeb Bush on CNN Sunday urged “conven(ing) the
North Atlantic Council to discuss” invoking Article 5, adding:
that’s what the French want, then, our longest and strongest and most
loyal ally over our entire history, we should certainly consider it.”
The only previous time Article 5 was invoked was after the 9/11 attacks.
Bush called the Paris incident “a threat to western civilization, and we should consider it that way.”
deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes called what happened “an
act of war,” a clear indication of what’s coming. NATO Secretary-General
Jens Stoltenberg said member states are ready to assist France.
“We stand strong and united in the fight against terrorism,” he blustered, a near declaration of all-out war.
Former NATO commander, retired Admiral James Stavridis, wrote a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) controlled Foreign Policy op-ed, calling the Paris attacks “an act of war…waged by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, by Daesh, against France…”
Islamic State is an apocalyptic organization overdue for eradication,”
he ranted – ignoring his full knowledge of it being a US creation, used
as proxy foot soldiers.
took full advantage of the Paris incident, saying “(t)he time has come
for countries to condemn terrorism against us to the same degree that
they condemn terrorism everywhere else in the world.”
terrorists who attack us have the same murderous intent as those in
Paris” – ignoring his all-out terror war on Palestine and possible
complicity with almost certain state-sponsored terrorism against
Parisian civilians.
defense minister Moshe Ya’alon blustered: “This must be a time of
reckoning,” suggesting the worst to come against Palestinian civilians,
defenseless against Israel’s rampaging killing machine.
New York Times
editors headlined “What Will Come After Paris,” saying Friday Paris
attacks “along with twin bombings in Beirut on the day before and the
downing of a Russian jetliner over the Sinai Peninsula on Oct. 31, show a
new phase in the Islamic State’s war against the West, a readiness to
strike far beyond areas it controls in Iraq, Syria, and increasingly,
challenge for threatened countries is huge,” Times editors barely
stopping short of urging greater US-led war on humanity than already –
never explaining ISIS is a US creation, used to wage war on Syria, Iraq
and other targeted countries, heading for Russia if not stopped.
must take measures to protect its citizens, as must the United States”
and other countries, Times editors blustered, ignoring what’s most
important to explain to readers.
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