The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world!

. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer but is now

The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time.

Furthermore, there have been huge ongoing military moves in the Middle East aimed at removing the fascist Khazarian Nazionist government of Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel, according to Pentagon and Russia sources. To facilitate the Russian purge of Satan worshipping Nazionists from the Middle East, the Pentagon has withdrawn all its aircraft carriers from the Persian Gulf.

The rogue Netanyahu regime only added gasoline to the fire last week by faking a US air force air raid against Syrian government forces in Aleppo, according to other Pentagon sources. The Russians were not fooled by this maneuver and responded by sending missiles and fighter jets over Iranian airspace (with Iran’s permission of course) to attack multiple targets in the Middle East, killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops operating against international law in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon sources say. The real message of course is that the US military was ready to step aside and allow the Russians to clean up the mess in the Middle East.

Fearing for his life and that of his regime, King Salman of Saudi Arabia checked into a hospital claiming severe Alzheimer’s disease while his son, the real power, Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia where, according to Pentagon and Russian sources he

continue reading [the link takes you to Ben Fulford's site, which requires a paid subscription to read the rest of the story :-/ ]

One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist JesuitKhazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.


This information is linked from " Weekly geo-political news and analysis Message from Benjamin Fulford "  - - I have been assuming for quite some time now that Fulford is a lot of Truth mixed with misdirection . . that may be right, maybe not . . . the info in this post seems to check out . .  I have tried to confirm that the Federal Reserve changed their domain from .org to .gov with no success . . . I do know that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is currently .org