Saturday, September 3, 2011

23º - NIBIRU or ELENIN - Ramblings, of a distorted Era - Taken together = INSANITY

on Sep 2, 2011

Friends, let's review some facts, and therefore draw some conclusions.

Friends and YouTubers, check this little video carefully, some of the main topics separately they may go unnoticed but when together they represent the bad times that unfortunately we are all living on planet Earth.
Think that this is happening NOW on the planet:


* Indiscriminate death of animals, fish, birds and crustaceans everywhere
* Marine mammals are stranded on the beaches by the hundreds to die
* Flora reacting to a changing environment
* Accelerating seismic activity in all tectonic plates
* Consequent widespread volcanism
* Climate entirely out of control
* Ocean currents ceasing or changing their direction
* Radical change in the geomagnetic grid
* Fast melting of the poles


* The Dwarf Star nibiru is discovered by IRAS in 1983 at LEO Const., In 1984 NASA denied
* World economy bankrupt
* Construction of indiscriminate underground bunkers by governments
* Construction of "seed silos" inviolable in several parts of the planet
* Incompetence in total control of nuclear facilities
* 1300 built concentration camps (800 in the U.S. only)
* 35 million coffins to four bodies, each one
* Strategic distribution and movement of troops
* Millions of human rations stockpiled by FEMA
* Indiscriminate use of chemtrails
* Strange Virus "will" naturally throughout the world
* Indiscriminate use of the system HARP
* Suspension of NASA's space activities
* Use militarized of the system SETI
* Emptying the International Space Station
* Shutdown premeditated, the WISE telescope
* Containment of millions of books and works of art in salt mines sealed by concrete.
* The Georgia Guidestones
* The frescoes of the Denver airport
* The spining globe at Vatican and United Nations
* NASA Scientist goes twice to YouTube to warn that Comet elenin is no problem? What about Yu55, Honda, Holmes, among dozens of others, does not deserve any "scientific warning"?
* The American firefighters, earn booklet with drawings of spaceships and alien races?
* 'The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CCD U.S. warns against a zombie apocalypse?
* NASA scientists warn against an alien attack on Earth?

If you even watching these facts listed together continues to believe that everything is normal, and that all who attempt to alert the people on YouTube are spreaders of fear without sense, means only that you are very bad informed, or you're bad-intentioned. Think about it, sometimes the insane are those who do not see the truth, even if it is rubbed into his face off. Think before you criticize. Nobody owns the truth because the truth it always depends on several dynamic variables to be true. If you were not willing to open your eyes to the reality of the facts would not be watching this video. We will always do everything in our power to open the eyes of those who resolve to pay attention to what actually happens in our real world. One thing you can rest assured, you will never find true information in the official media when the government wished to misinform you. Governments will report only the facts when you can not take any more initiative, forcing you to accept the measures they have planned in advance for you. Keep watching!

Thanks for watching, Join our channel! You are welcome there as the Internet work!
Captain Bill - September 2011

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
