Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations & Aerosol

Uploaded by on Jun 4, 2011

Pentagon Department of Defense briefing from 2005. They want to alter populations DNA to breed out religious impulses via vaccinations and aerosol spraying from above. They purport to have isolated a problematic gene causing religious impulsive behavior, of which the presence supposedly can be identified with brain scans. So again for OUR "SAFETY"...another vaccine.

Hmmmm....I wonder if this the latest additive to our chem-trails and flouridated water supplies. Yes they love the people so much that they want us all to have great teeth!

The problem these morons will never understand is that our physical bodies are merely vessels holding our souls, until we have the first death and leave the vessel behind for these scientists to poke and prod.

FunVax is a Government made viral vaccine that "cures" religious fundamentalism. It inhibits VMAT2 the so called "God Gene" which causes people to be prone to have spiritual experiences. Although FunVax has brought stability to several countries in the Middle East and is currently responsible for the pro-democracy rallies through out the Middle East we believe that it is a dangerous precedent for the future. We also worry about FunVax spreading to Western Countries and disrupting the belief system in the US and Europe. Joey Lambardi originally leaked this information and is planning on making all his evidence available at http://FunVax.wordpress.com

Joey Lambardi Releases "FunVax Pentagon Lecture!"

This is a lecture by an unidentified scientist given to DoD officials inside the Pentagon. It is dated 4-13-05 -- about a year after the "God Gene" was first discovered. The scientist describes a plan to alter the "God Gene" in the Middle Easter Population in order to end the turmoil in that region. I acquired the video through an unknown source and from my knowledge, connections and experience as part of a unit called combat camera, I have verified it to be authentic.

What is Funvax:

Vmat2, or the God Gene: Reading Spirituality in the Human Genome:

Understanding The Libyan Conflict:


1 comment:

  1. Is that Bill Gates? Shouldn't he be working on a way to prevent his windows from crashing before deciding to alter the brains of the human race to no longer believe in God? Perhaps he feels that if he is successful with the latter we will not notice what crappy software microsoft makes.



The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
