Bob Chapman
International Forecaster
Aug 12, 2010
It’s just the same old, same old, business as usual in America. The Fed creates money out of thin air, uses it to keep the economy from teetering over the edge of destruction as ludicrous salaries and bonuses are collected by Wall Street Illuminists and as US consumers are deceptively informed that we have green shoots sprouting up and that recovery is just around the corner. So go out and borrow, borrow, borrow, and spend, spend, spend, so US transnational conglomerates can continue to generate their off-shore, untaxed profits to pay Illuminist salaries and bonuses for their henchmen in Corporate America. Then you have the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets (aka the Plunge Protection Team, aka the PPT for short), rigging markets around the world 24/7 with the money created out of thin air by the Fed via the repo pool.
The Fed creates money out of thin air. | |
Meanwhile, the Illuminist banks that have borrowed money created out of thin air from the Fed through its myriad of borrowing facilities at little or no interest use some of their money to join the speculation party with all the inside information that has been provided to them courtesy of the PPT as the public gets taken to the cleaners because that don’t have any illegal, front-running algorithms designed by their government like the players on Wall Street, who have few if any losing days in their proprietary trading offices. And lest we forget that whatever money is not used by the Illuminist banks that they have borrowed from the Fed at near zero interest to speculate with is parked with the Fed at 2.5% risk-free, a gift of the US taxpayer because we just love to get hosed by our criminal syndicates aka “too-big-to-fail” Illuminist banks. And never mind the fact that there are no longer enough idiots left in the world to buy our Treasury paper anymore, because, well, if you don’t have enough buyers, then you just make them up out of thin air, like our Federal Reserve Notes.
But first, we ignore things like monthly hundred billion plus mathematical discrepancies between the amount of the government’s deficits and the amount of treasury bonds being sold. Then we give the proceeds from the bogus excess treasury sales to foreign countries, foreign central banks and sovereign wealth funds as well as Cayman Island hedge funds so they can do what with it? Why, so they can buy US treasury paper and agency paper, among other things. Yep, we set up the straw men, fund them with counterfeit money illegally created out of thin air beyond what is needed to fund the ever-increasing deficit being created by the drunken sailors running the US government, and we then magically create categories of new mega-buyers in our financial reports to show everyone how our treasury paper is just as “beloved” as in the old days. Why, even the totally bankrupt UK has magically created $180 billion for the express purpose of buying up those treasuries to keep the whole rip-off party going. We’ll let our subscribers decide where the totally bankrupt UK came up with that amount of money for US treasury paper of all things. Ah, life in the US of A. You just can’t make stuff like this up!
Well, as we predicted, the Fed has been talking about suspending the payment of interest on bank reserves parked at the Fed to force banks to lend. Remember, these reserves were lent by the Fed to its member Illuminist banks at near zero interest rates ostensibly to keep them afloat, but also to help fund speculative investments based on no-lose inside information from the PPT, among numerous other reasons. These reserves now constitute over a trillion dollars and can be run through a fractional reserve banking system at anywhere from ten to one, up to forty to one, leverage. Hence, even using the traditional ten to one fractional banking leverage, you would only need $500 billion to produce the necessary 5 trillion of counterfeit money, that would be generated out of thin air through the banking system, to keep the country afloat through the next Presidential election. This massive reserve was planned in advance to keep the system going so they could milk it a while longer through the end of Obama’s term of office after they blood-sucked the public for all the bailout money that the US taxpayers could tolerate without revolting. The remainder of this massive reserve will be used to buy the assets of failed banks and non-bank financial companies for pennies on the dollar, as the Fed, now with a financial monopoly over the entire financial system, complete with their own information-collecting Gestapo, destroys all the small fry in the next round of competition elimination which will make the bank failures so far look like a trifling matter. They will get the goods on all the small fry, force them into liquidation, and then let the big Illuminist legacy banks pick them over like a group of vultures. And if any of the small fry owe big money to any Illuminist legacy banks, they will be overvalued by the FDIC, and the US Treasury, via the Fed, will pay the Illuminist claimants based on the so-called “fair value,” which in that case will be bogus mark-to-fantasy asset values, and then taxpayers will get taken to the cleaners when the overvalued assets are sold for their much smaller real value later on. That’s right, its heads we win, tails you lose, the continual mantra of the Illuminati.
Full article HERE
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