Friday, July 9, 2010

The Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Thoughts 1-2)

The Perfect Storm
Unfolding the Unthinkable

In multiple times throughout the Bible, God told his prophets to "hide away" certain critical information. One time is in Isaiah (I forgot the verse - Loren would you add it to the comments section below this article?) and the other time is in Revelation where Jesus tells John NOT to record that which he saw and keep it secret.

What this means to us is that we have to walk in FAITH and use our SPIRITUAL know-how to discern what is right and trust that God will reveal these things when His time has come. This also helps us to understand that there are hidden mysteries of the Lord that we are not READY to understand YET!

The next thing to understand is VERY TRICKY BUSINESS. The "mystery religions" have a very large amount of their information that is CORRECT. This is going to TRIP UP a LOT of people. This means that the Masons (Luciferians) know things that are CORRECT. And they will USE this knowledge to convince us that JESUS has been demoted and is not OUR KING any more.

Listen to me carefully. The key words that Jesus used was "do not be deceived". DON'T BE! Jesus is God. Jesus is OUR KING. That is the PERPETUAL KEY to overcoming what we face in the very near future.

Challenges Presenting this Material

I am both humbled and even a bit "cautious" about trying to tackle this subject matter. I'm feeling this way because I realize that Tribulation-Now's readership has reached an all time high. And except for the help of a few very strong contributors from our email list, I am depending on the Holy Spirit to guide my words as much as possible. But this does not make it easy I assure you. This subject matter is EXTREMELY twisted, involved, and challenging to unravel with any certainty. Believe me when I say you have to anchor yourself in JESUS as your KING. It is the only way to "wade" through these forthcoming lies and come out still "cleansed with the Blood of the Lamb".

All I can do is ask for your patience as I work through this vast information. We face a deception of such immense proportions that I am not sure I can capture it adequately. This attack on Jesus is going to be absolutely remarkable. Jesus is "their" arch enemy and for them to be successful they must "dethrone" him and do it in a manner that is utterly impeccable. If you are hearing what I am trying to say to you, then believe you ME, we are in for some SHOCKING stuff.

Please be patient was I work behind the scenes to unfold this for you through research. The Lord has led me to some new material (books, etc.) that when "correlated" and woven together should give us some awesome insight to this forthcoming deception. I want to do everything I can to help you discover the events with some level of accuracy.

But remember. God has everything under his complete control. His Holy Spirit, has many functions. One of the Holy Spirit's functions is "restraining". As this "God at War" paradigm unfolds, the Holy Spirit of God "restrains" events and keeps them in line with God's will. If this were not true, I can assure you the entire human race would have already been destroyed by these "THINGS".

The Bible is an UNDERSTATEMENT. Jesus wasn't kidding when he said:
Matt 24:22
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved
Running Hear and There to See Jesus

Remember how in Matthew 24 Jesus warns that people will be saying that Jesus is here and Jesus is there? Do you also remember how when Christ rose from the dead and walked among this disciples they DID NOT RECOGNIZE HIM?

People, this is the KEY to what is coming.

God Speaks to You through "Feelings"

When God speaks to you through your spirit it is almost ALWAYS very subtle. Unless you are one of the extremely few people who received a vivid vision or dream at one time or another, you DO NOT hear God speak in an "audible clear voice". In FACT when he speaks to you through your spirit you do not hear it in the 2nd or 3rd person. For example God does not "tell you" to "do something". Instead "you" get a FEELING and that feeling comes to you in the FIRST PERSON. "You" think you feel something. "You" feel like "you" should do something. God doesn't tell you to "come here" and "go there". You "feel it" and you think it is coming from "your heart".

This is how the Lord communicates to his sheep. This is spiritual communication. It does not come in "loud and clear". It comes into your spirit through your heart. Please remember this. There are "technologies" that will be used against us that will make you absolutely SURE you have heard the voice of the Lord. THEY ARE LIES!

You need to prepare yourself spiritually RIGHT NOW. This means you MUST set aside some special time to be alone with the Lord. Start with sincere praise. Praise is the key. Open up your "force field" of praise and then SHUT UP. BE QUIET. You cannot "feel" the words of the Lord when you are "thinking about stuff". Praise and then LISTEN to your heart. Practice this regularly. Lift your hands in intense praise, and lower your head and be silent. Be STILL and know that HE IS LORD! This is not easy. The more you do it the more positive you will become that the Lord is speaking to you through your "spirit". You will eventually "feel" very strongly that He is moving your heart in the right direction. Spiritual communications is similar to supernatural "telepathy". You "feel" the other person's "feelings". It is a form of EMPATHY. God speaks to you in subtle "empathy". Learn to trust those feelings. Practice makes perfect.

Too many Jesuses, Which Jesus Do I Follow?

Here as some things for you to consider. I do NOT know if these ideas are correct so don't bombard me with scripture trying to make a point. I am only sharing some "feelings" that have occurred to me recently.

Remnant? Which Remnant?

Did it ever occur to you that if Jesus had to "cut short" the forthcoming attack on the human race to prevent our complete destruction, that maybe there won't be hardly any of us left? Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the "REMNANT" that survives and returns to Israel is going to be made up of many different nationalities? Could it be that this "remnant" are a small subset of people who survived this onslaught by some miracle of God, and happened to have a relatively pure bloodline back to Abraham but are not "long bearded orthodox Jews"?

Check out Jude 14:
Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him." NKJV

Who is the Judge?

The Lord comes with TEN THOUSANDS ... note the plural of thousands. That's tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, possibly more than that. This number is indeterminable. It is a "crap load" of saints. And GUESS WHAT? These saints are likely to be US! And what do these saints do? They "execute judgement". WE ... yes you and I, will be assisting our KING Jesus in the execution of Judgement. That is a very scary and amazing responsibility.

But I digress from the point.

Is it possible, even highly likely, that NONE of the JESUSES, that present themselves to us are the REAL Jesus? After all, think for a moment. If I am correct about the rapture (which I do not claim to be certain about), then maybe the rapture will happen JUST PRIOR to the WRATH. When God unleashes his wrath, forgive the pun but "ALL HELL" will break loose. Remember that God is taking NO PRISONERS on this deal. When his wrath gets dumped out, THIS TIME, he is going to completely destroy the entire earth. This would mean that the few that are left alive would have to be "taken out of the way" while God KICKS SOME SERIOUS KAZOO.

Jesus - Jesus Everywhere a Jesus

Now if this is only "partially correct", then doesn't it make sense that NONE of the "Jesuses" that these "alien-demon" freaks are going to present will be the real one? If the "pre-trib" rapture is part of the great delusion and Satanic lie as many of us believe, then there is absolutely no point in worrying about missing Jesus because he isn't coming until all these "LYING WONDERS" have already pissed God off to the point where he "pulls out his Holy Spirit" (the restrainer) and the cosmic forces of the Universe start destroying the earth with a fervor that has NEVER EVER HAPPENED before in the millions of years of the Universe(s) existence.

All the "fake" Jesuses, will be running for the hills long before our KING appears. And do you think your eyes will recognize him? THINK! Do you believe the pictures you have seen of Jesus are accurate. DON'T BE DECEIVED! Don't buy the illusion for a minute. If the apostles themselves could not recognize Jesus when he walked along side of them, then NEITHER WILL YOU! Any "entity" that looks anything like any of the pictures or paintings of Jesus that you see hanging in your church or on a wall in a cathedral are LIES!

If you live that long, and I pray for your sake you are with the Lord long before then, ONLY your heart will tell you that what you are seeing is JESUS.

(and I just broke into tears typing that last sentence so take it to heart please)

Interim Summary

As long as you HOLD FIRM to the promise of Jesus Christ as YOUR Savior and King NO MATTER WHAT they unfold or reveal in their "lying wonders" then you will be just fine. Remember that the very best lie is a lie that is 99% truth and 1% lie. It is nearly impossible to detect a lie that is mixed with so much verifiable truth.

The main difference between what our enemy believes and what we believe is that JESUS IS KING.




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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
