Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama’s Political Payoff Plan

Bob Chapman
The International Forecaster
February 8, 2009


Soon inflation will accelerate and normally Mr. Bernanke would withdraw cash from the system, but he does not have that luxury this time, because of the continually downward pull of deflation and asset destruction.

Obama’s stimulus plan, aka the Political Payoff Plan or PPP, together with the second half of the TARP, aka the Paulson Ponzi Plunder Plan or PPPP, will deliver a shot in the arm to our economy that will be both brief and shallow, sending us careening on our way to hyperinflation, which will deepen the depression we are already in by sending interest rates skyrocketing and killing off what little business activity remains. Interest rate swaps, with notional principal in the hundreds of trillions, will also implode at that time, administering the coup de grace to the world economy and financial system from which the Illuminati hope to form their one-world government, economy, currency, feudal society and religion.

The Illuminati may use the brief upsurge derived from the PPP and the PPPP as an opportunity to complete the Big Sting Two, where they dump their dollar-denominated paper assets in favor of tangible real assets via dark pools of liquidity and unregulated OTC markets out of the view of both regulators and the public, leaving all the non-insider sucker-dupes holding the bag full of the worthless fiat currency known as Federal Reserve notes (aka toilet paper) or paper assets denominated in such. Dollar surplus nations who are tight with the Illuminists will be allowed to go on a spending spree and join in on the fun by spending their once-sterilized dollars, and this will then very seriously aggravate an already deadly bout of hyperinflation. You won’t know about what these other nations are doing, however, because the Illuminist-controlled FTC no longer publishes figures about foreign investment in the US. How incredibly convenient.

When the Big Sting Two is set into motion, gold and silver will then go on a moon-shot, and if you don’t own any, you will be financially vaporized, and join the ranks of the other crispy critters who were too dumb to recognize that gold and silver are the only real money in this world. The Illuminati are certainly aware of this fact, as they all collectively own tens of thousands of tons of gold and silver, which they have looted from their own central banks by stealing it outright, like the Rockefellers’ likely looting of what is now an empty Fort Knox, or by purchasing it at bargain-basement prices, like the Rothschilds’ purchases from Gordon Brown’s big gold giveaway of the UK’s national gold reserves via planned and publicly announced auctions at the bottom of the market. The Illuminati have accumulated these tens of thousands of tons over many centuries. This is their failsafe money and their possible backing for a world currency. This is not a situation where, if you can’t beat them, then join them. This is a situation where you can beat them by joining them. If you send gold and silver to new heights before they can bail out of their paper assets, you will deal a serious blow to their plans for world government! Buy, baby, buy!!!

Our Treasury plans to borrow $493 billion in the first quarter versus a forecast of $368 billion.

Our new president believes our Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, will wave his magic wand and with his genius will save our economy and financial world. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama doesn’t realize that the elitist goal is not to save our country, but to destroy it. Who in their right mind would even talk about using the printing press to save the financial system, or dumping money out of helicopters. Being cavalier should not be the province of an economist. Ben, in his speeches, conveniently forgets to tell listeners that he has increased the monetary base from $1 trillion to $3 trillion in just five months. He is a modern day Hercules, he is.

Needless to say such policy ignites hyperinflation, which in turn puts downward pressure on the dollar. The infusion of capital into the finance industry along with the increase in money and credit has not tempted banks to increase lending. That monetary base is huge, yet no credit expansion.

Soon inflation will accelerate and normally Mr. Bernanke would withdraw cash from the system, but he does not have that luxury this time, because of the continually downward pull of deflation and asset destruction. The implied safety of the dollar is already being questioned as we see both short and long-term interest rates rise. Once these rates rise higher tremendous pressure will be put on the dollar and borrowing costs will rise. These higher rates, as they rise, will attract lenders to some degree.

Click HERE for rest of article

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
