February 14, 2010
So many 9/11 witnesses or people who would seem to have knowledge of the cover up have been mysteriously dying. This all can't be a coincidence.
Almost EVERYTHING we have been told (and are still being told) are lies . . . the sooner that humanity admits that it has been duped, the sooner something gets done about it . . .
Congressman Ron Paul spoke on the House floor for 5-minutes on US policy to assassinate US citizens at the dictate of the executive branch based on “secret evidence,” US policy of torture that includes American citizens and without legal recourse, US policy of rendition to secret prisons, and unlimited detention.
George Washington's Blog | February 27, 2010
Even after General Petraeus joined all of the experts saying that torture doesn't work, decreases national security, and is bad for our country, the Democrats are scrambling to be as pro-torture as the Republicans.
As Raw Story reports today:
Democratic leadership in the House was in disarray last night after having to withdraw the 2010 Intelligence Authorization Act, moments before it was to have been voted upon, as the result of a controversial anti-torture provision.
The amendment was added in the House Rules Committee late on Wednesday and had not previously been vetted in committee. It would have criminalized the most extreme forms of "enhanced interrogation" and provided stiff sentences for intelligence officers or medical professions who engaged in them.
Republican opposition caused the Democrats to attempt to remove the provision from the bill on Thursday by a unanimous consent agreement. When the Republicans refused to go along, the Democratic leadership was forced to pull the bill entirely.
In the wake of the debacle, there was confusion as to how the provision had gotten into the bill, and Democratic leaders appeared to be attempting to distance themselves from it.
The American Prospect had reported earlier that the amendment was proposed by House Intelligence Committee Chair Sylvestre Reyes (D-TX). After the withdrawal of the bill, however, Politico cited Democratic sources as saying that "House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter attached the provision to the bill Wednesday over the objections of other House leaders." One source told RollCall (reg. req.), "No one wanted it in there," and Rep. Jane Harmon (D-CA) insisted, "It's a mystery how that language got in there."
The amendment would have banned the most extreme forms of "enhanced interrogation" -- including waterboarding, stress positions, sleep deprivation, prolonged isolation, and forced sexual acts -- and imposed sentences of up to fifteen years, or even life if a detainee died as a result of such treatment.
Instead of revealing the truth that torture doesn't work, Democrats and Republicans are both pandering to the lowest common denominator. See this, this and this.
America the Beautiful is turning into America the Barbarian before our very eyes.The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.
"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.
Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.
"I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." Holder said at a news conference on the arrest of more than 700 people in a drug enforcement crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S.
By Bob Unruh
A team of lawyers who advocate for parental rights is working with parents whose children attend Ventura High School in Southern California to raise a formal objection after teachers had students fill out a survey on sex with questions such as "Are you sexually active" and "If not, why not?"
Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, said the first step will be to file an administrative complaint.
"The parents have tried to reason with school officials about this, but so far administrators have failed to grasp that giving the students this survey without prior written notice and consent was illegal," he said.
The survey was reported in the student Cougar Press in December. The report apparently was not included as part of the paper's ordinary online presentation, officials said, but was obtained by a parent who posted the pages only for other parents to see.
The newspaper, in addition to the sex survey results, included a page of photographs of students revealing what songs put them "in the mood," a sex crossword puzzle and other advocacy for being sexually active.
A school spokesman said officials could not comment.
![]() Part of a Ventura, Calif., high school survey of student sex |
Dacus told WND schools should know that parents need to be able to trust their schools for the education system to work.
"When parental trust is breached, then school districts end up losing that participation," he said. "If school districts … want to be successful, they have to respect the rights of parents and not be caught doing things behind the backs of parents."
He said the primary issue is that a state law forbids such sex surveys without parental knowledge.
By Greg Evensen
February 28, 2010
Events are cascading so fast that preparation time is being compressed like the debris field on 9-11 at the World Trade Center disaster. Even among former skeptics, the apprehension is building rapidly that a banking catastrophe, terrorist event, or Middle East nuclear outbreak is unfolding on cue for the elite manipulators to complete their diabolical and deadly plan.
As you have waited for this installment, I am hopeful that it began a series of ideas for your own blueprint that has taken shape both--from a sense of awakened creativity--and a sense of heightened anxiety to get this done. I am not a date setter, but this one ranks up there with Noah getting the Ark finished ahead of the first sprinkles, or at least somewhat close to that. “Global warming,” Planet X, human munching E-T’s, or Bank of China U.S. Debt Collectors in Red Army uniforms all qualify you for this plan.
Remember, your list of priorities may differ from mine and your ability to achieve all of these goals may not be the same as mine or someone else’s, but the very fact that you got this underway, actually well along the way, or even close to being completed, is light years ahead of some or God help ‘em many, who just don’t care. Move on anyway, you will never, ever regret doing what you did. Your friends and family will be forever grateful that you motivated them, educated them, and in fact saved them from any number of very negative outcomes, considering the world--both natural and geo-political--that we live in. So, let’s get started right where we left off.
• Above ground or below you must live with the pros and cons.
• Above ground has weather and defensive considerations for you.
• Below, creates some difficult air-flow/moisture possibilities.
• Multiple egress points for emergency use must be defensible.
• Strength above beauty and functionality above conveniences.
Let me try and summarize Part I II & III and the suggestions so far.
Whether you are in the city or country you MUST reinforce all that you have using standard construction techniques and adding extra reinforcement where you need. You must protect against natural and extraordinary active agents (biological agents/nuclear ash/ultraviolet) to enhance your chances of emerging from your retreat intact and reasonably healthy.
Because ALL things must be considered in terms of a powerless environment, you have to devise for continuing use all observation ports, mirrors, telescopes and spotting scopes for surveillance instead of remote TV monitoring. You must be able to see “beyond” your immediate environment to assess damage, incoming flood or fire dangers, roving patrols or gangs looking to scavenge and loot or any other defensive needs. The details of your inner living design or types of furniture need to be your own choices. Cooking, water and sanitation must be simple and easy to use or repair.
GARDENING: Your cultivated area must be well hidden, yet open and sunny. Protection from animals must be designed to blend in with the surrounding area. Hillsides are not optimum because they can be easily observed and are subject to erosion. NON-HYBRID seeds only so that you may raise more than one year’s crop.
FARM ANIMALS: In order of need and ease of care would place chickens first, goats second, hogs third, cattle next, and horses last. Grazing is best with as little supplemental feeding as possible. A stream or pond is ideal. You can raise other animals, but the more exotic the more difficult. Fencing will be required for some of the stock as well as shelter. Know how to recognize pasture or barn illness and how to treat the stock as naturally as possible. (Colloidal silver)
["Patriots" A Nover of Survival in the Coming Collapse]
NATURAL MEDICINES: I will not list them here. You need to have a reputable book on this subject and secure the major herbs before the Pharma Nazi’s buy off Congress again.
FIREARMS & AMMUNITION: Without these “tools” everything else is wasted. You will be overrun, killed and gone forever before you can look over your shoulder running, unless you can stand and make a fight of it. My preference is a .12 gauge pump shotgun with a magazine extension, full stock and no other frills. Laser sites and flashlights just let the other guy get a bead on you first in my opinion and you save enough money to buy a couple of great knives. Remington and Mossberg are my choices for price and dependability. 500 rounds of #4 buckshot, 500 rounds of slugs, 500 rounds of game/light load/”bird” shot are minimums. This weapon will be your most effective and versatile. A .410 pump shotgun for children and women unaccustomed to recoil and report would be a great second weapon.
A Smith & Wesson six shot revolver for dependability and ease of repair in .357 or .44 magnum caliber is my choice. At least 1000 rounds of ammunition. A Kimber, Sig Sauer, Colt or Ruger .45 semi-automatic 10 shot magazine fed pistol is next on the list. 1000 rounds bare minimum. For the younger set, a .40 Glock or Czech 75 is good and is effective. 1000 round at least.
In a rifle, look at .30 something. An H&K.308 or Remington 30.06, a good heavy round are two suggestions. 500 rounds minimum. Finally, a Ruger Mini-14 in .223 is a great “pray and spray” weapon. It uses the standard military rifle round and is clip fed. There are many others out there, but this is the standard no-frills “Ford V-8” recommendation.
A “Barnett” style crossbow with 100 “bolts” (arrows) is a silent way to get the job done in necessary situations—if you know what I mean.
STOREABLE FOODS: There are suppliers who offer many types of foods, but I recommend this for sustainability in most extreme conditions and environments. Freeze dried foods are the absolute best. Stackable cans are best, followed by vacuum sealed pouches. Simple rehydration and some seasoning make them very useable. Shelf life on “processed” foods, canned goods are 7-10 years in ideal storage areas.
WATER: Use water filters to protect against disease and parasites. Boiling is good and works with 99% of the water sources. REMEMBER,
If you contact a disease from water, use charcoal harvested from a wood fire. Ingest it in small quantities with safe water. It will arrest many “bugs” that would lodge in your gut. It doesn’t taste too hot, but it will keep you from turning liquid and dying within two days.
CLOTHING: Many fine manufactures (Filson, Carhartt, Pendleton) are available; USA made but can be pricey. Cheap stuff does not protect and will rot away in weeks if not months. Pure wool and cotton are the best. HEAVY winter gear, Gore-Tex type footwear is also best. There are several brands, but make sure you get at least one good set of combat type boots to protect your ankles and lower legs from rocks, shrubs and snakes. Camping out requires shaking them well to dislodge spiders, centipedes and other nasties is a must. Do NOT reach down inside to help them out.
CAMPFIRES: I came up with an idea 15 years ago that made me exactly $100, but has probably made someone else millions. It is called “Campfire in a Box.” Take a standard 16” square box and load it with shredded newspaper, discarded cotton strips, dried leaves and twigs. Put several 6-8” x 1” wooden strips and four or five 10” x 3” round dried branch remnants and you have a ready made against all types of weather campfire. Clear an area of dry ground in a discreet location, line it with sand if possible and ring it with stone. Keep the fire going at all times and scavenge for wood that can be kept dry (under a tarp). If it looks like rain, get a whole bunch and then set up a tarp shelter to protect the fire pit area.
As we approach the end of this segment, please remind yourself that I can only go into limited detail in this forum. Consult standard Army manuals for additional detailed information if you can locate them. There are some suppliers of topics mentioned here, but few that cover 25 segments similar to our in-field training camps. Of course our DVD series covers in nearly nine hours much of this as well with my personal demonstrations for firearms use mentioned above if you cannot attend a camp. Do what you must, but do it quickly.
STANDING GUARD: For the novice, this is the most difficult and “scary” part of operating under pressure outside. YOU are responsible while others sleep and are counting on you to stay awake and alert to avoid disaster. You hear things and see things that are not there at times and can miss the very real monsters in the dark. Ideally, two or more stand guard with quiet communications through mobile handsets. When reporting a sighting, confirmation MUST be obtained before any preplanned action is undertaken. Jittery nerves culminating in a too fast trigger response has caused many good men to die without cause, sometimes from their own fellow troops.
DEFENSIVE PERIMETERS: that is the area that you can, by personnel and defensive weapons, cover reasonably. They are critical issues and must be minimally flexible to achieve a goal for holding that area safely and successfully. Your ability to sit quietly for long periods and remain alert is essential. Your vision and hearing must be excellent. Finally, you ability to discern movement and various targeted shapes must be infallible. Plans, operational strategies, use of “kill zones” retreat paths and a fall back to fortified positions are methods that will keep you around for the next night of “fun.” (Actual placement and set-up of these zones will be covered in the Part 3 article)
The final installment set to be released on or about March 5,th will discuss the final components of this compressed Defense Blueprint with all of you. I realize to some of you this has been superficial, but to many others it is all new, or mostly new to their way of life. So during this next week, use this information as another launching point to confirm, refine and expand your personal plan of action. If you will do that and really work to fine tune just what you can do and how much you can invest (how much is your future and your family’s safety worth??) to achieve these goals or any portion of them, then you are a potential victor in the battle to save America and your destiny.
Liz and I are committed to continue our training camps here and around America during the next seven months barring a complete collapse of this nation. Contact us at the web: www.theheartlandusa.com. We will stand our post until relieved.Sky News
Friday, February 26th, 2010
A man who took a picture of his son while they were out shopping has been accused of being a paedophile and threatened with arrest.
Kevin Geraghty-Shewan had taken four-year-old Ben to the Bridges Shopping Centre in Sunderland to spend £10 the boy had been given as a treat.
The dad told Sky News: “Ben spotted a children’s ride which had a train on it and wanted to have a go because he’s obsessed with trains.
“When he got on my wife suggested we take a picture of him.
“I took the picture on my phone and suddenly this security guard came up and told me it wasn’t allowed because I could be a paedophile.
The U.S. embassy in London is going medieval.
A Philadelphia-based architectural firm was chosen to design a new $1-billion embassy across the pond - and it includes a moat.
Local residents had complained about the security barriers outside the current embassy in the Mayfair district, so the new building will include a 100-foot wide reflecting pond that also serves as a barricade.
"They integrated security into the design of an embassy for the 21 century," said State Department spokesman Jonathan Blyth. "Part of its inspiration came from the tradition of English architecture, where they did build moats."
But Blyth was quick to say that the body of water isn't technically a moat. "It's a reflecting pond," he said.
"Our objective is to prevent the possibility of a vehicle getting to the embassy to cause damage," Blyth said. "But we also wanted to make it an inviting area, and urban parks are very important to the landscape here in London.
The EPA's Bruce Dawson says the fluoride is being absorbed by the nearby vegetation which is then being eaten by the kangaroos.
He says the fluoride poisons the kangaroos and makes lesions grow on their bones, which renders them lame.
"Once kangaroos have restricted movement [it] has a significant impact on their welfare. So this is something that needs to be managed and avoided."
He says there is not a lot of information around about the impact of fluoride on kangaroos.
The problem is more common in cattle.
"There was a lot of research done in the 60s and 70s in the United States but this really has just started to emerge in terms of the impacts on kangaroos.
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, February 26, 2010
Leaked policy documents reveal that the United Nations plans to create a “green world order” by 2012 which will be enforced by a structure of global governance and funded by a gargantuan $45 trillion transfer of wealth from richer countries, as the globalists’ insidious plan to centralize power, crush sovereignty while devastating the economy is exposed once again.
As we warned at the time, the failure of Copenhagen in December did not spell the end of the global warming heist, but merely a roadblock in the UN’s agenda to create a world government funded by taxes paid by you on the very substance you exhale – carbon dioxide.
Using the justification of the vehemently debunked hoax that carbon dioxide is a deadly threat to the planet, the UN is already working to resurrect the failed Copenhagen agreement, with a series of new Copenhagen process negotiations set to take place in April, May and June.
Leaked planning documents (PDF) obtained by Fox News lift the lid on the UN’s plan to impose global governance by the time of their 2012 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio, which will mark the 20th anniversary since the notorious “Earth Summit” held in the same city.
“The new Rio summit will end, according to U.N. documents obtained by Fox News, with a “focused political document” presumably laying out the framework and international commitments to a new Green World Order,” reports Fox News’ George Russell.
“Just exactly what that environmental order will look like, and the extent of the immense financial commitments needed to produce it, are under discussion this week at a special session in Bali, Indonesia, of the United Nations Environment Program’s 58-nation “Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environmental Forum,” which oversees UNEP’s operations.”
The document outlines the globalist’s mission to enact a “radical transformation of the world economic and social order” by putting “a new treaty in place as the capstone of the Green World Order”.
This system will be managed by “an additional governing structure composed of exactly those insiders,” writes Russell.
“Moving towards a green economy would also provide an opportunity to re-examine national and global governance structures and consider whether such structures allow the international community to respond to current and future environmental and development challenges and to capitalize on emerging opportunities,” states the white paper (emphasis mine).
The imposition of such “global governance structures” will be achieved with the help of “vast wealth transfers” from richer countries (in the form of carbon taxes levied on citizens) to poorer nations, amounting to no less than $45 trillion dollars. The paper also outlines the need to change the “consumption patterns” of people living in richer countries, which undoubtedly is a euphemism for lowering living standards.
The policy proposes that the old economic model be discarded in pursuit of a new global green economy focused around “green jobs”.
As we have previously highlighted, the promise that the creation of “green jobs” will offset the inevitable damage to the economy that a 50 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions will cause is a complete fallacy.
The implementation of so-called “green jobs” in other countries has devastated economies and cost millions of jobs. As the Seattle Times reported back in June, Spain’s staggering unemployment rate of over 18 per cent was partly down to massive job losses as a result of attempts to replace existing industry with wind farms and other forms of alternative energy.
In a so-called “green economy,” “Each new job entails the loss of 2.2 other jobs that are either lost or not created in other industries because of the political allocation — sub-optimum in terms of economic efficiency — of capital,” states the report.
As we have documented, a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 50-80 per cent would inflict a new great depression in the United States, reducing GDP by 6.9 percent – a figure comparable with the economic meltdown of 1929 and 1930.
The UN’s mission to create a legally binding treaty on the reduction of CO2 emissions is running parallel with measures already being enforced at state level in the U.S. which bypass stuttering federal efforts to impose the cap and trade fraud.
The very foundation of the global warming argument has been completely eviscerated by the Climategate scandal, which proved that United Nations IPCC scientists forged and exaggerated data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures while engaging in witch hunts to cull dissenting opinions from appearing in IPPC reports.
Despite this, control freaks intent on taxing the life-giving gas carbon dioxide have signaled that they no longer care about the truth behind man-made climate change and have resolved to slam through their totalitarian agenda anyway. EPA head Lisa Jackson told reporters this week that “The science regarding climate change is settled, and human activity is responsible for global warming,” even though she failed to refute the fact that there had been no global warming since 1995, as was admitted by CRU scientist Professor Phil Jones.
Canada Free Press | February 25, 2010
Damon Vrabel
Citibank’s recent announcement that it may require seven days notice prior to honoring withdrawals is just the latest small brushstroke on a much larger canvas being painted by the banking system and the US government. The broader picture is shocking for those watching as it comes into view. Americans must heed Martin Luther King’s warning, “today our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake.”
The United States is shifting from a long period of perceived growth to a significant period of decline that will surprise many Americans as they realize the political propaganda about economic recovery was a lie. At that point, it will also be clear that we do not live in a constitutional republic but rather a financial empire where the Wall Street oligarchy rules not only our lives but also the governments we elect. Ever since Wall Street grew to replace our constitutional system of towns, counties, and states, we have not had the freedom we thought we had.
As long as the banking system is inflating, thereby creating the perception of growth and freedom, people are lulled into compliance with top-down rule by bankers. But once the system starts deflating, banks will kick people out of their homes, jack up credit card rates, shutdown access to cash, employees will lose their jobs, and governments will ramp up the tax machine and may even confiscate bank accounts to force Treasury investments. General compliance by the population will then be replaced with anger. This is why a high tech police/military control system is now in place across the US. The situation will be particularly difficult for those who will go hungry as things worsen in the future. The government will make it very clear whom it serves—Wall Street vs. the people—and we will regret ever allowing the powers behind Wall Street to replace our constitutional government.
Wall Street Government: Follow the Money
What most of us do not realize yet is we are governed by private banks, not elected representatives of a free republic. Sometimes this is clear to us in our individual lives as banks have a far more dramatic impact on us than governments do. But people usually do not consider how banks also rule governments, businesses, non-profits, schools, and everything else that depends on money. A quick look at macroeconomic cashflows illustrates this. Based on this diagram, who do you think rules the US? Just follow the money. Governments and businesses are hostage to bank money, therefore they work for the banks, just as you do. In fact the IRS is nothing but a collection agency for the mega banks that own most of our debt—forget the propaganda that it collects money for the children.
The top of this system is the Federal Reserve and the Wall Street cartel—the real government of the United States. Somehow this goes unnoticed despite the fact that bankers run the US Treasury, tell presidents what to do, and staff the rest of the executive branch with their own representatives (the key officials in the cabinet and regulatory agencies are all members of the Wall Street banker club called the Council on Foreign Relations). It even went unnoticed as the government and the Fed stole trillions from the people and handed it over to the bankers after the crash of 2008.
The Crash of 2008: Consolidating Power and Control
A critical aspect of the government’s response to the crash was a dramatic shift from the “smalls” to the “bigs.” Small banks, governments, and people had their money transferred up to the big banks, governments, and people. The country was already a top-down driven empire vs. the bottom-up republic we are taught in school. But now that the Wall Street / DC axis has stripped all the power and wealth from the rest of the country and future generations, the US has shifted to 100% complete top-down control.
The states are bankrupt. Local communities are impoverished. Small businesses are on the ropes. Small banks are being sucked into Wall Street thanks to the Fed artificially propping up the “bigs” and the FDIC randomly seizing small banks to hand them over to Wall Street. Meanwhile the few monopolists remaining on Wall Street are as powerful as ever, DC has as much revenue as ever, and people working for these power centers are being paid well as they prepare to exert control of the rest of us.
It is really shocking what government officials can get away with on TV as they spin lies for Wall Street. They claim they are helping us by taking our money and handing it to the richest clique in the country. We are taught to trust them, to submit to our leaders, to hope in their solutions. This is The Twilight Zone and The Matrix combined. The government treats us as Truman in The Truman Show, and we let them get away with it. Meanwhile Wall Street laughs as they party in the Caymans and park their money that used to be yours in Switzerland. Again, all we need to do is follow the money to see the truth. Power and wealth are being consolidated at the top while everything beneath the Wall Street / DC control system is being starved.
Hidden Fascism and the Fake Politics of Left vs. Right
The great economic debate between socialism and capitalism that happens in the US (illustrated in the cash flow diagram) is no debate at all. People who believe in freedom through the benevolence of local community, i.e. the classic liberal, and those who believe in freedom through the benevolence of Main Street business and free market forces, i.e. the classic conservative, have both been hijacked. Due to our monetary system, their energies have been harnessed into unknowingly propping up the Wall Street oligarchy.
The debate is actually between nationally controlled socialism, quite different from the community socialism that has existed at the tribal/church/neighborhood level, and the non-free-market capitalism that exists in the US today, which is really corporatism under the Wall Street money monopoly. The oligarchy controls both. So the debate only allows us to choose between two sides of the same thing. Neoclassical economics hides this issue by ignoring the truth of our debt-based monetary system that gives the oligarchy control over all the value created in the economy. The type of socialism and capitalism we have in the US today props up the elite oligarchy just as much as any other top-down system used throughout history. Oligarchy is anathema to freedom, community, and the American republic. The system must be changed.
Despite their rhetoric, both sides of the establishment, left and right, fuel the two key components of our pyramid system ruled by the Wall Street oligarchy. Rather than being two different choices of left VERSUS right, the debate creates a monolithic system of left AND right as the two sides swap positions every four to eight years while nothing substantial changes. This is the engine of fascism—big corporations and big government working together under the top-down rule of mega banks. Until the debate can move beyond the Wall Street establishment that controls both parties, this engine will continue. Its inevitable conclusion is frightening if nothing is changed.
How to Change It
As I have said in previous articles, this oligarchy must be dethroned:
1. Be aware as we approach the next phase of economic decline. Do not be appeased with the Wall Street / DC solutions peddled by the same people that caused the problem. They will seduce us by appearing to make things more comfortable initially, but their design will centralize power further and make this problem worse. We must be willing to deal with short-term pain in order to develop a real fix."Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman [Gen. Lemnitzer] and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war."