Saturday, December 18, 2010

Will the Lunar Eclipse on December 21st, 2010 Unlock the "Apocalypse?"

Lunar Eclipse this Tuesday: Window into Apocalypse?
Nicholas West
Activist Post

Much has been written about the Mayan calendar's "apocalypse" date of December 21st, 2012. Indeed, many galactic anomalies occur during this time which some experts have speculated will cause significant problems on Earth. However, some say that the lunar eclipse happening December 21st of this year (2010) may be a great revealing of things to come. Furthermore, they suggest it may provide a powerful window to make a collective choice about the direction of the coming apocalypse.

The word apocalypse has been enhanced to mean "the end of the world" or "the destruction of everything." Researchers who adopt this view when studying the possible effects of the coming galactic alignment usually determine that total geological devastation is upon us. They usually refer to effects from solar maximum predictions, magnetic pole shifts, new galactic radiation fields, etc. -- which are all possible Surely it is easy to derive scientific theories of how these type of events will cause havoc on the planet.

However, apocalypse, as it is purely translated, actually means a "great revealing/revelation" or "unveiling" or "end of a cycle," which is different than the commonly accepted version from the Bible's Book of Revelation. Most point to ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, the Hopi Indians, and even modern religions to provide insight into the change of our current earthly cycle. This great awakening is something that some "New Age" spiritual movements and astrologists have also claimed for years.

Although each has their own unique take on the event, many scientists are now turning their attention to the once-in-26,000-years galactic alignment in 2012 to study the possible metaphysical effects of this event on human consciousness. Even mainstream scientists now admit that our seemingly solid world is nothing more than a vibrational energy field filled with different frequencies, which is then partially decoded by the "observer" to appear physical. Incidentally, genetic scientists also have been amazed at the digital qualities of DNA.

Theories of vibrational reality have come a long way since the introduction of wave-particle duality in the 17th Century, which claims that particles only exist separately from the wave when the scientist (observer) stops the wave in space and time and labels that point a particle. Consequently, if the basic building blocks of all atoms and matter are particles, and particles are, in fact, not solid to anyone but the observer, then it seems to prove that everything solid is actually nothing more than vibrational waves of energy. The enlightened comedian, Bill Hicks, explained it this way: "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration."

[. . .]

Author of the book The Choice: Using Conscious Thought and Physics of the Mind to Reshape the World , Mike Bara, makes the argument that the power of collective thought can change the outcome of the coming 2012 apocalypse. In other words, we have a conscious "choice" in the outcome should we choose to exercise it. It's similar to using the invisible power of thought described in the book The Secret, but only for the greater good, not personal material gain.

Just as the physical world has been proven to have vibrational characteristics, it is also proven that thoughts -- especially focused thoughts like in prayer or meditation -- manifest into waveform that can effect the physical health of an individual. In turn, it stands to reason that if our thoughts manifest as permanent vibrations imprinted into the ocean of energy, that eventually if enough people projected positive thoughts of love and peace the entire ocean could be purified by it.

Bara also proposes that the Hopi Indians may have predicted the lunar eclipse that is to occur next week on December 21st, exactly two years before the Mayan calendar ends. He says they refer to a great unveiling prior to the end of the cycle that spans the globe from east to west -- hinting at next week's lunar eclipse that begins in China and ends in the Mt.Shasta region of California. At the very least, Bara believes the eclipse may provide a cosmic magnifier for collective thoughts -- presenting an opportunity for conscious humans to powerfully stamp an imprint of their desires into the vibrational matrix.

Clearly, these concepts are still out-of-touch for the mainstream, especially since this knowledge has been hidden in our modern society. However, researchers claim that the elite rulers are well aware of this reality, and they know that each individual has infinite power to affect this reality. This is evident by their odd rituals to imprint negative vibrational density, and their extraordinary masonic knowledge of harnessing invisible energies in structures like pyramids and obelisks. They go to great lengths to suppress humanity's access to knowledge to ensure we continue to believe that we are small and weak.

Many believe that the coming apocalypse is nothing to be feared; rather, it is a welcome transformation or enlightenment of what has been hidden. As this significant astronomical date approaches, is it any wonder why the elite are moving so rapidly to clamp down on free speech and silence protesters who are beginning to wake up?

There's no way of knowing for sure what the future will bring, but the science seems clear that each of us possesses the power to effect the collective reality through our projection of thoughts. Although it cannot be statistically proven that the coming eclipse will carry with it transformational energy, at the very least it provides us with an excuse to have a party and howl positive vibes to the moon and beyond.

So, what can it hurt? Go out this coming Tuesday and send your most joyous feelings and thoughts into the night. Maybe, just maybe, we can make a powerful imprint of love, joy, and peace into our deliberately contaminated vibrational ocean.


  1. With a world right now so rife with disent and disrespect it is nice to see that something of such beauty will be ever present for us to enjoy. I hope we can all look at this, enjoy it, take from it what you will. SO much of life right now is in discontent, it's lovely that nature throws us something magical like this. Keep yourself safe, take care. Thanks for letting me comment.

  2. That was very awesomely written, loved every word.. I took a video of the eclipse the other day on 12/21/12, I recorded it off a live stream, and later I sped it up 50X to show it faster.. I will leave the link, and have other versions of the video in my uploads. Total Lunar Eclipse



The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
