Tuesday, July 27, 2010


By Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.

June 27, 2010

A determined campaign is being waged in the United States that is perpetuated by the Godless humanists who endeavor, at the leading of Satan the greatest criminal mind in the Universe, to pave the way to a sheer control of the people and to establish the United States as a constituent of a one-world order.

This campaign is directed at a disarming of the people that they might be deprived of the tools to resist or challenge tyrannical totalitarian governance. But, hold on you might exclaim - this is not a totalitarian state, it is a Constitutional Republic. The heck you say, then how is it that our utilitarian communist president, Barack Obama, has been able to, in eighteen short months, accomplish the expropriation of private capital and industry and to establish a now nearly autonomous dictatorship under his despotic control? How is it that he has been able to assemble what amounts to a communist politburo via the unsanctioned appointments of an assemblage of communist progressives with an ascendancy over the will of the people? This could only take place under a totalitarian system of government.

The United States as one of the last remaining societies where citizens have, by established constitutional law, the right to possess and bear arms must be dealt with by the communist/socialist internationalists if they are to exercise an iron control over the peoples of the world that they might achieve their goal of a one-world system of government.

The right to self-protection in the United States must be disabled to eliminate what the gun-banners perceive to be a bad example of independence that might encourage the peoples of other nations, that have already been effectively disarmed and made compliant to dictatorial rule, to rebel against the suppression that is upon them. This makes plain and comprehensible the interminable meddling into the policies and prerogatives of the United States by the United Nations, that precursor to the satanically controlled and unified economic, political, and religious system of world government that looms on the horizon.

Currently there is an urgent and hysterical drive to exert coercive pressure on the various legislative bodies in this country to enact unconstitutional legislation that prohibits the ownership or possession of legitimate firearms.


There is a constant and steady drumbeat for the banning of firearms from internationalists such as George Soros the multibillionaire who in reality looks like a caricature drawn by a political cartoonist and multibillionaire Michael Bloomberg the bombastic and irksome pain in the behind who thinks that his money entitles him to inveigh against the prerogatives of independent Americans. These and other politicos of the socialist governments of the larger municipalities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco conspire to seize and destroy the personal property of law-abiding Americans, i.e. their lawfully purchased firearms. Those such as Soros and Bloomberg, because of their media generated false iconicity, lead the way for the lesser personalities and government entities that drag along behind them sucking up the destructive con-trails of these big boys who churn up the air with their political chicanery.

Know this, the gun banners are not married to the Constitution or to the principles thereof. They are socialists and advocates for a totalistic control of the people by the state, and as such they view the Constitution as a tedious obstacle to the implementation of their progressive agenda. These are not indwelled by the truth or a conscience nor are they committed to playing by the rules; they are of a perverse integrity and will exercise every cunning and deceitful device to realize their inimical goals and aspirations.

Like Satan himself, they are patient and will often follow a surreptitious course of taking incremental bites in the consuming of the whole hog.


“The only real justification is not to reduce crime but to desensitize the public to the regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation…Charles Krauthammer (columnist), ‘Disarm the Citizenry. But Not Yet’ The Washington Post”

Large gun rights organizations such as the NRA, of which I am neither a detractor nor an opponent, too often fall into the cunningly laid traps of the anti-gunners. By negotiating with such and compromising on the immutable principles of the Second Amendment, they play into the hand of the gun-haters and help to enable an incremental chipping away of the integrity and inviolability of the Second Amendment.

By their very involvement with the perverse proponents of gun control they provide credibility to the gun control advocators’ contention that gun ownership is a politically granted right and not an absolute uninfringeable right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

When will these who purport to protect the inalienable right of the people to own and bear arms wake up and stand against the political encroachment upon the Second Amendment? There is no mutual ground or area of compromise. Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people. Mitigating by political barter the inviolate and intrinsic authority of the Second Amendment is unacceptable.

The NRA, and any other gun rights advocate that thinks that the preservation of the Second Amendment can be accomplished through negotiation would do well to remember that when negotiating with a snake they can expect to be bitten.

One must keep in mind that political snakes hate the Constitution and the freedoms that it generates. They especially hate the Bill of Rights, the tattered vestiges of which stand in the way of an absolute control of the people and stymies their endeavors for a long sought worldwide satanic kingdom.

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
