Raul Salas
February 22, 2010
We have all heard by now that the Republicans are in the process of taking over the Tea Party movement. The Ron Paul patriots prevented this from happening in the Houston Texas area on February 20, 2009.
Ron Paul was slated to participate in a debate against three of his challengers in the Republican Primaries at a High School auditorium in Katy, Texas a suburb of Houston that was hosted by the Katy Tea Party group.
Inside the auditorium, most of the people were mainline Republicans. It appeared to be an ambush on Ron Paul by the Neo Cons of the Republican party.
Luckily, Ron Paulers started showing up en masse, some even drove in from San Antonio! Of course Ron Paul was able to shoot down his opponents charges pretty quickly and Ron Paul supporters were vocal as well both in their support of Ron Paul and in their displeasure at Ron Paul’s opponent’s comments. This really upset the neo con challengers to Ron Paul to the point that one of the challengers started arguing with the audience.
The Neo Cons of the Republican party thought they could take over the Tea Party movement and assimilate them into the Republican party. They were upset that too many Ron Paul supporters showed up to the event to ensure that the take over did not happen. This is evident from several incidents that happened after the debate in which Neo Con Republican anger surfaced.
After the debate, there was time for a meet and greet with the candidates. Of course, Ron Paul had the largest line of supporters waiting to shake his hand and talk to him. Neo Con Tim Grainey, one of Ron Paul’s challengers stood next to the line of supporters waiting to meet Ron Paul and proclaimed he was a Constitutionalist. This drew the ire of the Ron Paul supporters and a contentious debate started with Graney that ended in some angry comments from Graney.
There was also an incident between a tea party member and Michael McCaul about Joe Petronis (his challenger) not supporting the troops and war in the Middle east. Joe Petronis also debated Mccaul on this as well. As the debate heated up, the police asked that all videotaping stop and they escorted Mccaul out of the building and to his car.
The lesson learned here is concerned citizens can prevent Neo Conservatives from continuing the wars and tyranny by showing up to events and calling out Republicans on their beliefs.