Monday, March 21, 2011

First Two Planet X SPT Leaked Image Videos by NibiruShock2012 Now Seen as Highly Credible

Planet X / NibiruPart 1 — Study Findings

Marshall Masters

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This series of articles and the supporting video represent a culmination of a 7-week study that began with NibiruShock2012's release of the Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January 2008 video on YouTube on February 20, 2008. Until today, our steady assessment of those images, plus those appearing in a second video by the same director, has been that of "compelling."

With the publication of this final study, we are now elevating that assessment from "compelling" to "highly credible." What prompts us to make this claim is the massive, highly successful government disinformation campaign waged against these two important disclosure videos by NibiruShock2012.

We further believe that NibiruShock2012's latest video is a sophisticated disinformation ploy that has been presented as a hoax in order to quell any further public discussion. These specific findings are detailed in the reports by Janice Manning and Jacco van der Worp, MSc.

Why NibiruShock2012's First Images
are Now Seen as Highly Credible

Consequently, the depth of this clamp-down on the NibiruShock2012 images is stunning, in both magnitude and scope. Therefore, the principle reason for this status upgrade can be be summed up by former US President Richard Nixon, "it's not the crime that kills you; it's the cover-up."

The following video summary explains then general history of this study and how we achieved our study findings.

A second video titled Nibiru/Planet X update February 1 2008 was released by NibiruShock2012 on March 3, 2008, the day after we published our analysis titled, First Planet X / Nibiru Images Leaked by an Anonymous South Pole Telescope (SPT) Informant. As of the release date, this video has been viewed approximately 65,000 times.

A third video Amazing X Configuration was released by NibiruShock2012 on March 21, 2008. As of the release date, this video has been viewed approximately 7,000 times.

We this third video to be a sophisticated disinformation ploy that has been presented as a hoax in order to quell any further public discussion. These specific findings are detailed in the reports by Janice Manning and Jacco van der Worp, MSc.


On March 06, 2008, SelfInformYourMind posted "LEAKED* Nibiru Photo's 'Object orbitting in front. In this video, SelfInformYourMind presents a series of images of Planet X provided to him by a secret source and taken on Feburary 13, 2008 by an unnamed observatory. As of this publication date, this video has been viewed approximately 5,000 times.

In the original about text provided with his video, SelfInformYourMind says,

"A recent user NibiruShock2012's photo's are similiar to mine. I can tell you they are fully authentic and it is no hoax."

Given that NibiruShock2012 named the source observatory, and SelfInformYourMind did not, we took interest. It was odd to us that SelfInformYourMind would authenticate NibiruShock2012's images with such obscure imagery.

Study Comment

Please note, this study is now concluded. However, we will continue to follow Planet X / Nibiru image leaks and will report them on our news blog ( as additional findings come to light.

—Marshall Masters, Publisher
Your Own World USA

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
