Monday, June 21, 2010

US/Israel to attack Iran? All "reasons" for war are obvious lies; beware false flag attack

June 21, 6:16 AMLA County Nonpartisan ExaminerCarl Herman

Do you have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to employ middle school-level verification of factual claims on our nation’s most important issues? This involves no belief; only verification of the following objective facts essential to your citizenry:

Official US policy for nuclear weapons allows nuclear attack on nations if the US says they have the intent to harm the US or allies in the future. This policy is unlawful under the US-created UN Charter that strictly forbids Wars of Aggression, including with the predictable propaganda of “national security” or the new “pre-emptive self-defense.” Secretary of Defense Gates recent repetition of typical war propaganda is an unlawful threat based on "emperor has no clothes" obvious lies, as I'll explain.
Remember the history of some still living and the rest of our population’s fathers and grandfathers who sacrificed in WW2: the Nazis pre-planned War of Aggression to attack and take Poland was a false flag operation that claimed national security, self-defense, and a peaceful future. As the US and Israel send war ships in apparent confrontation with Iran aid ships to Gaza, the stage may be set for another false flag operation. A likely scenario consistent with history is for US and/or Israeli ships to receive self-inflicted wounds with casualties (think pawns in a game of chess), Iran is blamed, and Iran is attacked.
The US and Israel lie for war with Iran in two key areas of propaganda that you are responsible to understand if you want a US government operating UNDER the law rather than as a fascist dictatorship operating wherever they say (dictate):
  1. Iran’s president never physically threatened Israel.
  2. All of Iran’s nuclear material is fully accounted for peaceful and legal use for energy and medicine.
The US completely lied for its unlawful attack and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. We now know from our own government’s disclosure of the evidence that all “reasons” for war were known lies.
Our soldiers, government employees, and citizens who operate under good faith have been duped with the above “Big Lies” that are easily proven but difficult to embrace from cognitive dissonance.
The recent US-hosted nuclear weapons summit is propaganda to terrorize the public with fear that “others” will use nuclear weapons; specifically propagandizing that “terrorists” will use a nuclear weapon on a US city. This propaganda is repeated by Israel’s Prime Minister, the last Republican presidential candidate John McCain, former vice-presidential candidate Joe Lieberman, and corporate media, and escalated with terrorizing and unlawful war rhetoric that the US should “pull the trigger” to attack Iran in Orwellian propaganda to blame the victim.
When the facts are so clear that it is the US who has killed over a million people in their perpetual unlawful Wars of Aggression based upon such Orwellian and “emperor has no clothes” lies that the US expands into Pakistan and Yemen, the obvious conclusion any rational citizen must make is that the US has planned and is considering a false flag attack to use a dirty or nuclear bomb, blame Iran, and finalize their Middle East tyrannical policy of domination.
The following links are my best efforts to document and prove US Orwellian unlawful wars, rigged-casino economics, and destruction of our US Constitution.
Citizen advocacy and comprehensive resources: Government by dicts

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
