March 3, 2010LA County Nonpartisan ExaminerCarl Herman
The American public is being played; duped into one unlawful War of Aggression after another. The criminal perpetrator of these war lies is a controlling faction of our own government. The evidence in this article will prove beyond any doubt that “war lies” is the accurate term; lies in Orwellian opposite of the verifiable facts, lies that cannot be reasonably construed as misinterpretations or well-intended mistakes.
These are what political historians reference as “Big Lies;” so massive and evil that ordinary citizens initially reject the objective evidence because they can’t imagine their leadership being literal psychopaths. Big Lies evoke sufficient cognitive dissonance for the public to embrace the Big Lie…but only for a time.
That time, now, is over.
“In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."
A version of Aeschylus, Greek playwright, memorably quoted by Robert Kennedy upon the assassination of Martin Luther King. The only trial found the US government guilty in a massive conspiracy to assassinate Dr. King for his actions to end unlawful US war in Vietnam. Evidence is also clear that Robert Kennedy was assassinated by our own government when he became the leading candidate for president in 1968 upon the policy promise to end the Vietnam War.
Let’s consider our policy predicament of unlawful war in context over the next ten brief paragraphs before we consider the crystal-clear evidence that all claims for war with Iran are provable lies.
The Americans who suffer first and most are our men and women in American military uniforms.
The fascist faction calling the war shots and controlling their minions in corporate media target our own military for death and suffering: making sure they are duped by propaganda and never teaching them fundamental UN Charter law of what makes a war lawful or unlawful. These US War Lords then tear our soldiers from their loved-ones, dump them on foreign resource-rich soil as an unlawful invading horde and obvious targets of righteous local counter-insurgency to remove by any means necessary, and told by US oligarchs to defend the stolen resources for US corporate exploitation.
US political “leadership,” our soldiers’ lawless and loveless masters, criminally misuse our men and women while in uniform with “pretended patriotism” and weasel public support with disingenuous rhetoric to “support our troops” when the greatest support is to never engage in unlawful wars.
These political psychopaths morph “support our troops” to “abandon our veterans” through disgracefully negligent VA “services,” and coldly and hypocritically non-responding to the reality that veterans comprise one-third of homeless men in the US. These criminal war-mongers will never tell you, nor take any effective policy action to remedy the 6,000 US veterans they so mentally and physically damaged that they commit suicide every year.
“Support our troops” is calculated psychopathic propaganda.
Our young men and women enter military service in good faith; swear an Oath to support and defend the US Constitution (and consider here), despite the insertion of "always place the mission first" as dictated by their psychopathic masters into service branch creeds, and are now awakening by the thousands that their dedication to our nation’s sacred values have been twisted against them by fascist 21st Century American Nazis.
“Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as ‘dumb, stupid animals to be used’ as pawns for foreign policy.” - Woodward and Bernstein, The Final Days, referring to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s view of the US military during the Vietnam War.
“They asked if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government.”
Our men and women in uniform observe that their fascist self-appointed masters of the universe have an operative and unspoken slogan of “support out billionaires,” as they funnel literally trillions of our collective dollars to their gambling-addicted bankster buddies on Wall Street while ignoring obvious solutions that would help real Americans.
Our soldiers, our government employees, our citizens have one defining weapon to stop these criminals now: those of us in government service swear an oath to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We are all legally empowered to refuse unlawful orders when those orders are obviously illegal. Those who are authorized, are legally required to arrest criminals who issue obviously unlawful orders.
The appropriate action, if we are to remain American (by definition, acting within our Constitution), is immediate refusal of all orders associated to unlawful wars and unconstitutional overt and covert projects. The stick we have is criminal prosecution. However, given the amazing complicity of “leadership” in politics, economics, finance, banking, and corporate media, I recommend Truth and Reconciliation (T&R) as the practical carrot We the People offer: an exchange of truth and return of stolen public assets for no prosecution. Those criminals who reject to T&R during a window of opportunity to come forward will be subject to criminal and civil prosecution.
Full article HERE
Full article HERE