Revolt of the Plebs
By Keith Johnson
“You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war”
William Randolph Hearst
There will be war…and there will be pictures.
There will be death and destruction, misery and pain.
But as the United States, Israel and Britain expand their empires, don’t expect to see footage of tanks draped in skulls rolling down urban streets as howling soldiers mow down anything that moves while gyrating to the beat of speed-metal-deathcore-rap. Don’t expect to see pictures of a weeping mother caressing the heads of her two dead sons among the rubble of her meager dwelling.
War is hell. War is ugly. But the next war-brought to you in part by the state of Israel-will be poised as nothing short of beautiful; an oh-so-holy mission from God himself. A very Judeo-Christian and patriotic endeavor to deliver the oppressed from their 3000 year old cultures. A righteous crusdae to spread democracy and all the trappings that come with it: a stripper in every lap and a “Whopper” in every mouth.
And that whole package may very well walk right into the camera frame wrapped in a pink dress and three inch stillettos heels. Who am I talking about? Why none other than the “Good Ship” Sarah Palin of course; with a bible tucked under one arm and a “special needs” child in the other, standing in front of an American flag with a radiant smile and long tan legs running all the way down from the hem of her short skirt to the floor of the stage. And if you ask her if we should send more of our children off to die in another one of Israel’s wars she will most certainly reply with her patented “You betcha!”
Full article HERE