Friday, November 27, 2009

Before Obama escalates the Afghan war, he must tell us who we are fighting

Peter Chamberlin
Online Journal
Friday, Nov 27th, 2009

Who is “al Qaida,” that we must continue killing and destroying entire nations to eliminate them?

The world has too much riding on this war to abide Obama blindly continuing it without a valid mission. Defining an “exit plan” is not the same thing as defining the mission. He cannot be allowed to simply launch yet another escalation without a clear mission, while shrugging-off questions about “al Qaida.” The world must know who the enemy is, before the cycle of destruction is amplified in another blind rage without a reason.

“Al Qaida,” the base, in Arabic, is not the great threatening beast that has been used to frighten the little children. “Al Q” is a group of a few hundred Arab terrorists, gathered together by America and Saudi Arabia in a network that was overseen by Osama bin Laden in Peshawar, Pakistan. The CIA network recruited anti-Soviet fighters from all over the world, to serve agency interests. They were never under bin Laden’s command. American propagandists have created the illusion of a terrorist army of thousands of fighters, by lumping together bin Laden’s small group with the massive intelligence network that brought them all to Afghanistan, under the single rubric of “al Qaida.”

The original Arab-Afghan fighters loyal to bin Laden have all but been eliminated from the region, with the last remaining holdouts scattered throughout the region. If there is no “al Qaida” in Afghanistan, then who or what are we after, other than the Taliban? The network itself? Are we completing the destruction of Afghanistan and Pakistan in order to eliminate our own network? If we fight against our own network, then why is an escalation needed? Wouldn’t it be far easier and cheaper to simply defund it, turn off the switch in Langley, Virginia, to the terrorist production line?

Or is the switch to the terrorist production line really in the Pentagon? Since the military is the only beneficiary of another escalation in Afghanistan, it is logical to assume that they are behind the whole endeavor. The war is not about Afghanistan or Pakistan, but about maintaining another huge military presence there. Pakistan is the jumping-off point to all the planned missions for Central Asia and securing the pipeline routes anticipated for the region.

See the following admission from a military operative in the know, as obtained by author Jeremy Scahill: “The military intelligence source said that the Blackwater/JSOC Karachi operation is referred to as ‘Qatar cubed,’ in reference to the US forward operating base in Qatar that served as the hub for the planning and implementation of the US invasion of Iraq. ‘This is supposed to be the brave new world,’ he says. ‘This is the Jamestown of the new millennium and it’s meant to be a lily pad. You can jump off to Uzbekistan, you can jump back over the border, you can jump sideways, you can jump northwest. It’s strategically located so that they can get their people wherever they have to without having to wrangle with the military chain of command in Afghanistan, which is convoluted. They don’t have to deal with that because they’re operating under a classified mandate.’”

The world is in flames because Bush and Cheney chose to light it all up. Nineteen men with razor blades attacked us and they decided that waging war upon the entire world was the best way to pay them back and imitate justice. Obama is carrying the whole sick operation forward, because he is a coward — he is deathly afraid of the prospects of challenging the powerful Zionist war lobby that made him what he is today.

Who are we fighting, Obama? Do you even know who the enemy is?


The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
